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Our Diary of the War

The War Illustrated, Volume 6, No. 131, Page 31, June 26, 1942.

999th day MAY 28, 1942, Thursday
Russian Front - Fierce German attack repelled in Izyum-Barvenkovo sector.
Mediterranean - Aerodrome at Catania, Sicily, raided by R.A.F.
Africa - Heavy fighting between armoured forces round Knightsbridge.
China - Kinhwa besieged from all sides by Japs.
Australasia - U.S. submarines sank or damaged four enemy ships.

1,000th day MAY 29, Friday
Air - .R.A.F. made heavy attack on Gnome-Rhone aero-engine works and Goodrich rubber works near Paris.
RussianFront - German attacks still held in Izyum-Barvenkovo sector.
Mediterranean - Catania again raided by R.A.F.
Africa - Fierce fighting E. of our positions; British counter-attacks at Knightsbridge.
Burma - U.S. heavy bombers raided Myitkyina aerodrome.
China - Japs occupy Kinhwa after bitter street fighting.
Australasia - Allied airmen raided Dilli, Rabaul, and seaplane base at Tulagi.
Home - Seven enemy aircraft destroyed off S.E. and N.E. coast.
General - Prague announced execution of two Czech families following attack on Heydrich.

1,001st day MAY 30, Saturday
Air - R.A.F. in biggest attack of war raided Cologne and the Ruhr with more than 1,000 bombers.
Russian Front - Soviet High Command announced success of Russian attack at Kharkov in forestalling German attack.
Africa - Germans made two gaps in minefield W. of Knightsbridge.
Burma - U.S. heavy bombers again raided Myitkyina aerodrome.
Indian Ocean - Jap submarines attacked harbour of Diego Suarez, Madagascar.
Australasia - Allied bombers made night attack on Lae, Kupang and Dilli.
General - Forty-two Czechs, including ten women, executed in Prague.
Lieut.-Gen. F.N. Mason MacFarlane apptd. Governor and C.-in-C., Gibraltar.

1,002nd day MAY 31, Sunday
Mediterranean - R.A.F. raided Messina.
Africa - German armoured forces concentrating in gaps of minefield on Trigh Capuzzo.
Home - German "reprisal" raid on Canterbury.
General - Twenty Czechs executed.

1,003rd day JUNE 1, Monday
Sea - Admiralty announced loss of H.M. cruiser Trinidad.
Air - R.A.F. raided Essen and the Ruhr with 1,036 bombers.
Mediterranean - Submarine base at Augusta, Sicily, raided by R.A.F.
Africa - German attacks on Bir Hacheim repulsed. Gen. Cruewell, Commander of Afrika Korps, captured.
Burma - Rangoon attacked by heavy bombers of U.S. Army Air Force.
Australasia - Jap submarines raided Sydney Harbour. Jap bombers made daylight raid on Pt. Moresby. Allied bombers raided Rabaul, Lae and Salamana.
General - Mexican declaration of war signed by President Camacho.Execution of 27 more Czechs.

1,004th day JUNE 2, Tuesday
Air - Essen and the Ruhr again raided by strong force.
Mediterranean - Pantellaria and Cagliari raided by R.A.F.
Africa - British armoured forces occupied Tamar, W. of Knightsbridge.
Burma - R.A.F. bombers attacked Oyster Island, off Akyab.
Australasia - Allied airmen raided Rabaul, Tulagi and Atamboea in Timor.
Home - Five enemy aircraft shot down over S.E. England.

1,005th day JUNE 3, Wednesday
Air - Bremen attacked by strong force of bombers.
Africa - Further attacks on Bir Hacheim driven off by Free French.
China - On Chekiang front Japs launched attack on Chuhsien.
Indian Ocean - British occupied Ambilobe, Madagascar.
U.S.A - Dutch Harbour, Alaska, attacked by Jap aircraft.
General - Lord Louis Mountbatten, Chief of Combined Operations, in America. Twenty-one Czechs executed.

1,006th day JUNE 4, Thursday
Mediterranean - Syracuse bombed by R.A.F.
Africa - Attacks at Bir Hacheim again repulsed.
Burma - U.S. bombers raided Rangoon.
Indian Ocean - British occupied ports of Vohemar and Antalaha, Madagascar.
China - Gens. Stillwell, Brereton and Chennault arrived in Chungking.
Australasia - Allied submarine sank enemy transport and two supply ships.
Pacific - Jap aircraft attacked Midway Island.
General - Special Service troops made reconnaisance raid in Boulogne-Le-Touquet area. Heydrich died from wounds received on May 27. Twenty-four Czechs executed. Hitler and Keitel visited Field-Marshal Mannerheim in Finland.

1,007th day JUNE 5, Friday
Air - Strong force of bombers raided the Ruhr.
Russian Front - Germans launched attack on Sevastopol.
Mediterranean - Night raid by R.A.F. on harbour of Naples.
China - Japs captured Foochow.
Australasia - Announced that six Jap submarines had been sunk in five days.
Pacific - Sea and air battle continuing off Midway Island.
General - Thirty Czechs executed.

1,008th day JUNE 6, Saturday
Air - R.A.F. made heavy attacks on port of Emden.
Russian Front - German attacks on Sevastopol repelled.
Mediterranean - Nine enemy aircraft shot down over Malta. Messina raided.
Africa - British armoured units reached Harmat. Two attacks on Bir Hacheim repelled by Free French.
China - In Chekiang Japs occupied airfield outside Chuhsien.
Pacific - Adm. Nimitz announced that Jap losses off Midway Island were two or three aircraft carriers lost with all aircraft, three battleships damaged, four cruisers and three transports damaged.
General = Execution of 13 more Czechs announched.

1,009th day JUNE 7, Sunday
Russian Front - Stubborn fighting continued round Sevastopol.
Africa - British artillery stopped enemy armoured forces at Knightsbridge. French repulsed another attack at Bir Hacheim.
Pacific - Adm. Nimitz reported withdrawal of Jap fleet from Midway Island.

1,010th day JUNE 8, Monday
Sea - Admiralty announced loss of H.M. trawler Bedforshire.
Air - Strong force of bombers raided the ruhr by night.
Russian Front - Enemy attacks on Sevastopol repelled with heavy loss.
Mediterranean - R.A.F. bombed aerodrome at Heraklion, Crete, and naval base at Taranto.
Africa - Heavy attack on Bir Hacheim repulsed after fierce fighting.
Burma - U.S. bombers made their first daylight raid on Rangoon.
Australasia - Sydney and Newcastle, N.S.W., shelled by Jap submarine.
General - Fourteen Csechs executed.

1,011th day JUNE 9, Tuesday
Sea - Admiralty announced that H.M. submarine Turbulent sank Italian destroyer and three supply ships in Mediterranean.
Africa - British armoured forces and Free French drove off large-scale attack at Bir Hacheim.
China - British and American air force units arrived in China.
General - Execution of 41 Czechs.

Anglo-Russian Treaty

May 20. Mr. Molotov, Russian Foreign Minister, arrived in Britain for discussions with the British Government concerning the military and political situation. May 25. Agreement on all points secured. May 26. Treaty of Alliance and Mutual Assistance between Britain and Russia signed at the Foreign Office. May 29. Mr. Molotov arrived in Washington. In the course of ensuing conversations, "full understanding" reached. June 4. Mr. Molotov left Washington on his return journey to Moscow via London. June 11. The Alliance announced by Mr. Eden in the House of Commons.

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