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Do you want to buy my "The War Illustrated" magazines?
No, sorry, we already have all of them.

What are my magazines worth?
Not much I'm afraid, prices vary, but you can get a good impression by search for other magazines.

Why are there so little photos online?
Scanning the photos from the articles doesn't give an acceptable quality. So we rely on photos found on the web, Wikipedia for the most. Because the magazine is British, some pictures are held by the Imperial War Museum. They have recently opened up their archives but aren't as open (yet) as the Americans, who've put most of their World War Two images in the public domain. Other images are still being withheld by large companies like Getty Images who still claim copyright from pictures taken seventy years ago. If you have photos from the articles and want to share them with us, please use the contact form to get in touch.

What do the green squares mean before the links?
Articles with photos are indicated with a green square in the article lists, so it's easier to distinguish the 'illustrated' articles.