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Companion of The Most Honourable Order of the Bath (CB, Military Division)

Grid Lijst
Vandegrift, Alexander Archer "Archie"13-03-188708-05-1973meer
Vasey, George Alan "Bloody George"29-03-189505-03-1945meer
Vere Morse, John Anthony16-10-189200-00-1960
Vereker, John Standish Surtees P.V., Viscount Gort10-07-188631-03-1946meer
Vian, Philip Louis15-07-189427-05-1968meer
Vincent, Baron de, Nikolaus Karl11-08-175707-10-1834
Vincent, Stanley Flamank07-04-189713-03-1976meer
Vokes, Christopher13-04-190427-03-1985
Voorst Evekink, David31-12-189016-03-1950meer
