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Volume 10 - No. 244 - October 25, 1946

His Majesty's Ships - H.M.S. King George V


His Majesty's Ships - H.M.S. King George V

Known familiarly in the Navy as “K. G. Five”, H.M.S. King George V has a displacement of 35,000 tons and a main armament of ten 14-in. guns. She was commissioned on October 1, 1940. In May 1941, as fl

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Judgement at Nuremberg


Judgement at Nuremberg

"MANACLED and heavily guarded to prevent any attempts at suicide, the 11 Nazi war criminals sentenced to death by the International Military Tribunal were today (October 2, 1946) moved to the condemne

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Our War Leaders in Peacetime - Bevin


Our War Leaders in Peacetime - Bevin

The Rt. Hon. Ernest Bevin, M.P., P.C. Became a Minister without graduating through the House of Commons. At the age of 59 he went straight from the polls into the key position of Minister of Labour an

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No. 230 Squadron


No. 230 Squadron

Motto: "We Search Far" Formed at Felixstowe in Sept. 1918, No. 230 Squadron remained there until May 1922, then moved to Calshot. In the following year it was disbanded and reformed at Pembroke Doc

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