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Volume 10 - No. 233 - May 24, 1946

His Majesty's Ships - H.M.S. Hotspur


His Majesty's Ships - H.M.S. Hotspur

Motto: “Bravely in Action.” This destroyer of 1,340 tons was launched on the Clyde in 1936. As a unit of the British 2nd Destroyer Flotilla commanded by Capt. B. A. W. Warburton-Lee, V.C., she

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Our War Leaders in Peacetime - Attlee


Our War Leaders in Peacetime - Attlee

Of all our political leaders the Prime Minister is, perhaps, the least ostentatious. No. 10 Downing Street is his London address, and Chequers, in Buckinghamshire, his country residence; but he was mu

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