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Allied Tanks and Equipment Pour into Normandy

The War Illustrated, Volume 8, No. 184, Page 111, July 7, 1944.

Photo: Allied Tanks and Equipment Pour into Normandy. Photo: Allied Tanks and Equipment Pour into Normandy. Allied Tanks and Equipment Pour into Normandy Shepherded across the English Channel by the Allied Navies under Admiral Sir Bertram Ramsay, tanks and equipment in ever-increasing quantities land on wide stretches of the Invasion Coast in broad daylight. With barrage balloon protection, calmly and methodically the work of unloading goes on. Many vehicles, such as the tanks in the top photograph, have been specially waterproofed to keep their mechanism unaffected by immersion in deep water as they drive ashore. Photo, British Official; Associated Press.


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Miracles of Planning Behind the Great Invasion


Miracles of Planning Behind the Great Invasion

No less renowned a warrior than Marshal Stalin has paid tribute to the brilliant success of our assault on Western Europe. “In the whole history of war”, he said, “there was not been any such under

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Canadians Contribute to the Haul of Prisoners


Canadians Contribute to the Haul of Prisoners

Canadians Contribute to the Haul of Prisoners In six days from the landing prisoners numbered 10,000. This wayside station in Normandy (top) was a German strongpoint. It is now in Canadian han

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