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Volume 7 - No. 161 - August 20, 1943

As the Sun Came Up On Invasion Day


As the Sun Came Up On Invasion Day

With Pick and Shovel the Way is Cleared. Our ships and men crowded the Sicilian beaches as dawn broke on July 10. Coastal batteries had been silenced and shore defences vanquished, and troops and na

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At Last We Have 'Struck Oil' in Rumania


At Last We Have 'Struck Oil' in Rumania

One-third of Germany's fuel for her war machines has been coming from the oilfields and refineries of Rumania. Now Ploesti, centre of that supply, has been very heavily bombed by the Allies. HENRY

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I Was There! - 'Down With Mussolini and Death to the Duce!'


I Was There! - 'Down With Mussolini and Death to the Duce!'

Extraordinary scenes of jubilation were witnessed by Ross Munro, Canadian Press Correspondent in Sicily, when news of the resignation on July 23, 1943 of the Pinchbeck Ceaser – Benito Mussolini, Dicta

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I Was There! - My Night of Terror in Bomb-Battered Hamburg


I Was There! - My Night of Terror in Bomb-Battered Hamburg

On the night of July 24, 1943, in an attack lasting 50 minutes, the R.A.F. dropped 2,300 tons of bombs on Hamburg, greatest port in Germany. Dr. Wieninger, a Nazi reporter, described his night of terr

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