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The Shroud of Gold

The Poets & The War VII

A New Poem By Humbert Wolfe
The War Illustrated, Volume 1, No. 11, Page 352, November 25, 1939.

All wars are fought in the spirit. Vain the trust
in the mastery of steel. Like him, who makes it,
this is no more than a fiction of the dust,
which blows on the first wind that overtakes it.
The struggle is in the heart, and they who thrust
for truth unmoved when heaven itself forsakes it
see Liberty - the captain of the just- bright in the battle-line before he breaks it.
And terrible death itself is here defeated by strong weapons than its won, whose might
is bounded by the grave's pretension.
They who fall with freedom are not lost nor cheated,
for they become the essence of the light which in a shroud of gold lays death away.

- "The Second Great War." World copyright

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To The Dead


To The Dead

Your Peace, she never came of age, That Peace you bought with bitter price; Nor now survives in this dull rage One sign of all your sacrifice. Your sons must arm again to do What all you, dying

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I Was There! - We Found a German 'Plane on the Hill


I Was There! - We Found a German 'Plane on the Hill

When a German reconnaissance 'plane was brought down in the Lammermoor Hills on October 28, Mr. John K. Irvine of Long Newton Farm was on the spot within a few minutes. His graphic account of the inci

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I Was There! - The Fuehrer Had Just Left Us When...


I Was There! - The Fuehrer Had Just Left Us When...

Early in the morning of Friday, November 10, a few hours after the explosion in the Buergerbrau keller at Munich, what purported to be an eye-witness account of the incident was broadcast from all the

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