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A Triumph of British Civilian Organization

The War Illustrated, Volume 1, No. 1, Page 11, September 16, 1939.

In the four days ending Monday, Sept. 4, 650,000 schoolchildren and others were evacuated from Greater London. No tribute was more highly earned than that paid by Mr. Herbert Morrison, M.P., Leader of the L.C.C., to the splendid behaviour and bearing of the thousands of Londoners who had been concerned in the evacuation in various ways. In the great cities of the Provinces, too, there was the same story to tell of careful planning and complete success.


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The Children's Trek to Safety


The Children's Trek to Safety

Among Britain’s emergency preparations was the evacuation of large numbers of children, mothers, and sick and infirm folk from the overcrowded cities. These pictures illustrate the great move procee

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The Dastardly Sinking of the 'Athenia'


The Dastardly Sinking of the 'Athenia'

Hardly had the world realized that war had again begun when it received with a thrill of horror the news that the German U-boats had claimed their first victim. Without a word of warning, a passenger

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