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Hitler's Six-year Campaign of Lies

The War Illustrated, Volume 1, No. 1, Page 24, September 16, 1939.

No British statesman knows Hitler so well as Mr. Chamberlain, and we have it on his authority that Hitler’s "word is, for us, not worth the paper it is written on." Below are some of the most outstanding instances of the Fuehrer’s breaches of faith.


May 17. In a Speech to the Reichstag, Hitler said: Germany will tread no other path than that laid down by the treaties. The German Government will discuss all political and economic questions only within the framework and through the treaties. The German people have no thought of invading any country. On October 14 Germany left the League and the Disarmament Conference. On March 10, 1935, General Goering made known the existence of German Air Force, the constitution of which had been forbidden by the Peace Treaty. On March 16, 1935, Hitler decreed Conscription in Germany, also forbidden by the Peace Treaty.


Jan 30. From Hitler’s Speech in the Reichstag: After this question (The Saar) has been settled the German Government is ready to accept not only the letter but also the spirit of the Locarno Pact. In March, 1936, Germany denounced the Locarno Pact by reoccupying the demilitarized zone of the Rhineland.


May 21. In a Speech to the Reichstag, Hitler declared: The German Government has broken away from the discriminatory articles of the Treaty, but it herewith solemnly declares that these measures relate exclusively to the points which involve moral and material discrimination against her people. It will therefore respect unconditionally the articles concerning the mutual relations of nations in other respects, including the territorial provisions and will bring about the revision inevitable in the course of time only by the method of peaceful understandings.


Jan 30. In a Speech at Berlin, Hitler said: Germany will be a lover of peace such as only a peace-loving nation can be.

March 7. Germany denounced the Treaty of Locarno and reoccupied the demilitarized Rhineland zone.

On the same day, Hitler declared to the Reichstag: Germany will never break the peace of Europe. After three years I can regard the struggle for German equality as concluded today. We have no territorial demands to make in Europe.

We are away, above all, that all the causes of tension which arise as a result either of faulty territorial provisions or of a disproportion between the size of populations and their living space cannot be solved by means of war in Europe. At the same time we hope that human wisdom will help to mitigate the painful effects of these conditions and to remove causes of tension by way of gradual evolutionary development in peaceful collaboration.


Jan. 30. In a Speech to the Reichstag, Hitler declared:

The period of so-called surprises is now over. PEACE IS OUR DEAREST TREASURE. As an equal state Germany is conscious of its European task to co-operate loyally in removing the problems which affect us and other nations.


In the agreement reached with Dr. Schuschnigg at Berehtesgaden on Feb. 12, Hitler reaffirmed his recognition of Austrian sovereignty. Already expressed in the Austro-German Agreement of July 1936. On March 11, Germany annexed Austria. The disparity between the declarations of May 21, 1935 and the events of March 11, 1938, prompted M. Mastny, the Czecho-Slovak Minister in Berlin, to Convery to Field-marshal Goering on the same evening the apprehensions of the Czecho-Slovak Government. Field-marshal Goering immediately assured him that Germany had no hostile intentions against Czecho-Slovakia. "I give you my word of honour" he said. "And I can add that we wish only for better relations".

On march 12 Baron von Neurath informed M. Mastny officially in the name of the Reich Chancellor that Germany had no hostile intentions towards Czecho-Slovakia. He alluded to the interest taken by Germany in the Sudeten Germans, but at the same time expressed the hope that "This domestic question of the Czecho-Slovak State" might be satisfactorily settled.

Baron von Neurath also referred to the Treaty of Arbitration concluded in 1925 between Germany and Czecho-Slovakia as part of the Locarno Pacts. This treaty had been specifically recognized as still valid by the Reich after the Locarno Pacts were disavowed by Herr Hitler. An attempt was later made by the Czecho-Slovak Government toinvoke it, but it was then denied in Germany that it was still binding.

On March 13 M. Mastny received a fifth assurance from Field-marshal Goering that Germany had no hostile intentions against Czecho-Slovakia. With the consent of the German Government these assurances were communicated by Mr. Chamberlain to the House of Commons on March 14.

On Sept. 24 Germany sent her seven-day ultimatum to Czecho-Slovakia, which led to the Munich Conference of Sept. 29/30.

Sept. 26. Speaking in Berlin, Hitler Said: And now the last problem which must be solved confronts us. It (i.e. the claim for the Sudeten Lands) is the last territorial claim that I have to make in Europe, but it is one I will not renounce. I assured Mr. Chamberlain that after this there would be no more international problems. I promised afterwards that if Herr Benes would settle peacefully his problems with the other minorities, I would even guarantee the new Czech State. We do not want any Czechs. Our demand for the Sudetens is, however, irrevocable.

Oct. 9. Speaking at Saarbrücken, Hitler said:

Now as a strong state we can be ready at any time to pursue a policy of understanding with surrounding States. We can do this because we want nothing from them. We have no wishes, no claims. We want peace.


Jan. 30. Speaking in the Reichstag, Hitler said:

Only the warmongers think there will be a war. I think there will be a long period of peace. On March 16 Bohemia and Moravia were declared German protectorates, after a threat that otherwise Prague would be mercilessly bombed.

On March 23 it was announced that meml had returned to Germany.

After Czecho-Slovakia and Memelland came the turn of Poland. After the signing of a non-aggression pact with Poland in January, 1934, Hitler had said: I sincerely hope that our new understanding will mean that Germany and Poland have definitely abandoned all idea of a resort to arms, not for ten years only, but forever.

Furthermore, in May 1935 he declared: Germany has reached a non-aggression pact with Poland which she will keep blindly, and which she hopes will be prolonged constantly and will lead to more and more friendly relations. Germany has nothing to gain by a European war. We want peace.

Again on February 22, 1938, in a speech to the Reichstag, he stated: We are sincerely satisfied about the friendly rapprochement which has taken place in recent years between ourselves and Poland. Since the League has ceased it’s disturbing interference in Danzig, this most critical spot for the peace of Europe has lost its danger. Poland respects German claims on Danzig and the Free City and Germany respect Polish rights. Nevertheless, on Sept 1, 1939, Danzig was declared part of the German Reich and POLAND WAS INVADED BY GERMANY.


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