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Oorlogsmonument Hartenstein

Het monument staat bij de ingang van Airborne-museum Hartenstein.

Tekst op het monument:
To the people of Gelderland

50 years ago British & Polish Airborne soldiers fought here against overwhelming odds to open the way into Germany and bring the war to an early end. Instead we brought death and destruction for which you have never blamed us. This stone marks our admiration for your great courage, remembering especially the women who tended our wounded. In the long winter that followed your families risked death by hiding Allied soldiers and airmen, while members of the Resistance helped many to safety.

You took us then into your homes as fugitives and friends, we took you forever into our hearts. This strong bond will continue long after we are all gone.
1944 – September – 1994"

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Gebruikte bron(nen)

  • Tekst: Jeroen Koppes
  • Foto's: Arjan Vrieze (1), RJ (2)

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