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Monument Crash Halifax JP 137

Tekst op het monument:
In memory of the two local residents and seven aircrew who lost their lives in the cause of freedom when RAF Halifax bomber JP 137 crashed at this location on 21st March 1944.

Mrs Dorothea Bennett, Flat 9 Meadow Court
Mr Percy F. Chislett, 1027 Wimborne Road

Sgt. Denis R. Evans, Pilot, RAFVR
Sgt. Henry W. Roberts, Nav., RAFVR
F/O Stanley A. Appleton, B/A, RAFVR
Sgt. George A. Alexander, W/Op., RAFVR
Sgt. Stanley F. Gent, F/E, RAFVR
Sgt. Kenneth Green, A/G, RAFVR
Sgt. Reginald R. McGREGOR, A/G, RCAF


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Gebruikte bron(nen)

50.756521, -1.87296
