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Gedenkteken Fighter Defence Hurricane Mk I Z4485

Deze plaquette herdenkt het heldhaftige optreden van de RAF piloot William Henry Hodgson op 31 augustus 1940, waarvoor hij de Distinguished Flying Cross uitgereikt kreeg. De tekst op de plaquette luidt:

"In proud and affectionate memory of Pilot Officer W H Hodgson DFC, a 19 year old New Zealander in No. 85 Squadron who narrowly avoided the village of Shotgate whilst crash landing his burning Hurricane on this site after combat over London on 31st August 1940. PER ARDUA AD ASTRA"

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Fighter Command 1936-1968
Hurricanes Over Singapore
Wings Across Canada
The Hamlyn Concise Guide to British Aircraft of World War II

51.606627, 0.555346