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National War Dog Cemetery

Dit monument herdenkt de 25 marine-honden die tijdens de slag om Guam in 1944 zijn gedood.

Tekst op het monument:
25 Marine War Dogs gave their lives liberating Guam in 1944. They served as sentries, messengers, scouts. They explored caves, detected mines and booby traps.

Kurt, Yonnie, Koko, Bunkie,
Skipper, Poncho, Tubby, Hobo
Ni, Prince, Fritz, Emmy,
Missy, Cappy, Duke, Max,
Blitz, Arno, Silver, Brockie,
Bursch, Pepper, Ludwig, Rickey,
Tam (buried at sea off Asan Point)

Given in their memory and on behalf of the surviving men of the 2nd and 3rd marine war dogs platoons, many of whom owe their lives to the bravery and sacrifice of these gallant animals.

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