Tekst op het monument:
"101st Airborne Division - 326th Airborne Medical Company - Battle of the Bulge 1944-1945
In the field behind this monument the Division Clearing Station of the 326th Airborne Medical Company was overrun by enemy forces. On the night of December 19, 1944, enemy forces attacked with armored vehicles and infantry. The hospital was sprayed by machine-gun fire for a period of fifteen minutes and many soldiers were killed or wounded. Those who survived this attack became prisoner of war. This site is to memorize all the victims and to honor the 326th Airborne Medical Company and all other medical units who served during WW2.
They had their rendezvouz with destiny. May this monument by a symbol of honor for those brave men and women who were willing to give their lives while saving others, some came home but so many didn't.
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Op 19 december 1944 werd het Division Clearing Station van de 326th Airborne Medical Company, 101st Airborne Division in Sainte-Ode aangevallen en overrompelt door Duitse eenheden. Gedurende 15 minuten werd het ziekenhuis beschoten, waarbij vele soldaten sneuvelden of gewond raakten. Op de plek waar dit gebeurde staat tegenwoordig een monument. Drie kilometer ten westen van deze plek vond op zondag 13 december een re-enactment plaats. Wel met een paar kleine aanpassingen. Een Division Clearing Station heeft normaal iets meer tenten en er was geen Achilles aanwezig ter verdediging...