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Oorlogsmonument Plumtree

Dit monument herdenkt de inwoners van Plumtree die zijn omgekomen of vermist in de Eerste en Tweede Wereldoorlog.

Eerste Wereldoorlog
Ernest Astill - Royal Engineers
Gerald Barlow - Sherwood Foresters
Frank M Braisby - Lincolnshire Regiment
John W Cooper - King’s Own Scottish Borderers
Joseph Cooper - Royal Garrison Artillery
Frank Costall - Sherwood Foresters
Bryant A Cutler - Sherwood Foresters
John Darby - King’s Own Yorks Light Infantry
Robert Davis - Royal ASC (MT)
John L Hallam - Sherwood Foresters
John T Hayward - Northumberland Fusiliers
Walter Huyton - King’s Liverpool Regiment
Amos Leon - Sherwood Foresters
A Henry Longden - Sherwood Foresters
John W Martin - Royal Sussex Regiment
Thomas Mitchell - Army Labour Corps
Herbert Pendleton - Shell Filling Factory (civillian)
S Benjamin Smith - Sherwood Foresters
George Taylor - Sherwood Foresters (added in 2014, below Second World War names)

Tweede Wereldoorlog
Gareth Bernard Banting - Chaplain No 2 Commando
Frederick Henry Holmes - Flight Lieutenant RAF
Richard Alfred Terry - Parachute and Lincs Regiments
Melville Francis Fortune - Corporal RAF

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