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Oorlogsgraven van het Gemenebest Orcq

Op de gemeentelijke begraafplaats van Orcq zijn 16 oorlogsgraven van het Gemenebest van de Eerste Wereldoorlog. Het zijn soldaten van de 74th Yeomanry Division die zijn gesneuveld tijdens het Bevrijdingsoffensief in oktober 1918.

BARBER J. - United Kingdom - Private Black Watch (Royal Highlanders) 14th (Fife and Forfar Yeomanry) Bn. - Date of Death: 23/10/1918 Service No: S/25462
BARTIE T. R. - United Kingdom - Private Black Watch (Royal Highlanders) 14th (Fife and Forfar Yeomanry) Bn. - Age: 33 - Date of Death: 23/10/1918 - Service No: S/9729
BROWNE T. A. E. - United Kingdom - Private The Buffs (East Kent Regiment) 10th (R. East Kent and West Kent Yeomanry) Bn. - Age: 28 - Date of Death: 29/10/1918 - Service No: T/270706
CHRISTENSON CHARLES ALFRED - United Kingdom - Gunner Royal Field Artillery 74th Medium T.M. Bty. - Age: 20 - Date of Death: 24/10/1918 - Service No: 251383
COCKBURN T. - United Kingdom - Private Black Watch (Royal Highlanders) 14th (Fife and Forfar Yeomanry) Bn. - Date of Death: 23/10/1918 - Service No: S/12506
CUMMING F. K. - United Kingdom - Second Lieutenant Black Watch (Royal Highlanders) 3rd Bn. attd. 14th (Fife and Forfar Yeomanry) Bn. - Age: 18 - Date of Death: 23/10/1918
DAVIES O. - United Kingdom - Private Welsh Regiment 24th (Pembroke and Glam. Yeomanry) Bn. - Age: 33 - Date of Death: 06/11/1918 - Service No: 59941
HILL G. W. - United Kingdom - Private Somerset Light Infantry 12th (West Somserset Yeomanry) Bn. - Date of Death: 21/10/1918 - Service No: 31351
IZATT R. - United Kingdom - Lance Corporal Black Watch (Royal Highlanders) 14th (Fife and Forfar Yeomanry) Bn. - Age: 35 - Date of Death: 23/10/1918 - Service No: S/26870
MALPASS H. - United Kingdom - Private Somerset Light Infantry 12th (West Somserset Yeomanry) Bn. - Date of Death: 22/10/1918 - Service No: 18742
SIMPKINS A. - United Kingdom - Private The Buffs (East Kent Regiment) 10th (R. East Kent and West Kent Yeomanry) Bn. - Date of Death: 28/10/1918 - Service No: G/25955
SOWERBY E. - United Kingdom - Private Black Watch (Royal Highlanders) 14th (Fife and Forfar Yeomanry) Bn. - Age: 25 - Date of Death: 23/10/1918 - Service No: S/6158
TUCKER H. B. - United Kingdom - Bombardier Royal Field Artillery 74th Medium T.M. Bty. - Age: 24 - Date of Death: 24/10/1918 - Service No: 87247
WALLER T. - United Kingdom - Private Black Watch (Royal Highlanders) 14th (Fife and Forfar Yeomanry) Bn. - Date of Death: 23/10/1918 - Service No: S/25347
WEBB A. - United Kingdom - Private Black Watch (Royal Highlanders) 14th (Fife and Forfar Yeomanry) Bn. - Age: 22 - Date of Death: 23/10/1918 - Service No: S/25378
WILLIAMS WILLIAM GORDON - United Kingdom - Private West Somerset Yeomanry "A" Coy. 12th (West Somerset Yeomanry) Bn. - Age: 19 - Date of Death: 22/10/1918 - Service No: 39985

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Gebruikte bron(nen)

  • Tekst: Commonwealth War Graves Commission
  • Foto's: Luc Van Waeyenberge

50.608638, 3.34838