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Gedenkteken South Alberta Regiment

Deze plaquette hangt aan de gevel van het voormalige gemeentehuis en tegenwoordige Openbare Bibliotheek met de volgende tekst:

In Appreciation

The South Alberta Regiment (SAR) 29th CDN ARM ’D RECCE
REG`T, part of 10th CDN INF BDE and 4th CDN ARM`D DIV,
takes this opportunity to salute the Mayor and Citizens of
Muldegem for their courageous support and warm
reception during Liberation in September 1944. The SAR`s
especially want to express their thanks and appreciation
for the continuous care, respect, and remembrance of
our war dead at nearby Adegem cemetery. All this
creates a warm bond between our two peoples. Therefore
the SAR`s give heartfelt thanks to each and every one.

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Gebruikte bron(nen)

  • Tekst: Mia van den Berg
  • Foto's: Luc Van Waeyenberge