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Gedenkteken 13th Battalion Australian Imperial Force

Het 13de Bataljon van de Australische Imperiale Strijdkrachten werd eind september 1914 opgericht en gerekruteerd uit de omgeving van Newcastle, New South Wales. Tegen februari 1915 werden ze naar Egypte uitgezonden als onderdeel van de 4de Brigade onder het bevel van kolonel John Monash. Op 25 april 1915 landde het bataljon bij ANZAC Cove in Gallipoli en bleef daar tot de evacuatie in december 1915 in dienst. Het bataljon keerde terug naar Egypte waar het geherstructureerd werd en in juni 1916 naar het Westelijk Front werd gestuurd waar het diende en vocht tot het einde van de oorlog.

"This Union Jack was presented to the 13th Battalion, Australian
Imperial Forces by the Ulster Association of New South Wales. The
presentation was made on 22nd October 1914, by Mrs Martin McIlrath
who handed the flag to the Commanding Officer, Lieutenant Colonel Granville J. Burnage, C.B.,V.D.
It was used to mark the position of Battalion Headquarters at Liverpool,
New South Wales, Broadmeadows, Victoria, on H.M.A.S. Ulysses, at Gaza, near
Cairo, Egypt and at Gallipoli, from the landing to the evacuation.
At the request of the Senior battalion Officers the flag was bought
back to Australia by Lieutenant Colonel Burnage for presentation
to this Cathedral.
The presentation was effected on Easter Day 1916, during a special
Divine Service, which was conducted by the very Rev H.K. Archdall, M.A.
Dean of Newcastle in the presence of military and naval local units"

" 'H' Company, 13th Battalion, with the Union flag presented by the Ulster Association"

"To the immortal memory of the
15 Officers and 385 Soldiers
of the
13th battalion AIF
who gave their lives at
This flag laid up in this Cathedral in 1916
has been restored.
Their Sacrifice - Our Heritage
'Lest we Forget'
22nd April 2001"

"To the Glory of GOD
and in memory of the Officers and men of the 13th Battalion
Australian Imperial Force
who fell in the Service of King & Country
on Gallipoli 1915
this tablet is erected by Lt Col. G.J. Burnage, C.B., O.C.
' Greater love hath no man than this,
that a man lay down his life for his friends'
The Battalion flag hangs in this Cathedral"

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  • Tekst: Sharky Ward
  • Foto's: Anthony (Sharky) Ward

-32.92905, 151.78042