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Gedenkteken Joachim Ronneberg

Monument Joachim H. Ronneberg (30 augustus 1919 - 21 oktober 2018)
Onthuld op 30 augustus 2014 in aanwezigheid van Joachim Ronneberg op zijn 95ste verjaardag door Hare Hoogheid Prinses Astrid. Gebeeldhouwd door Hakon Anton Fageras.

"Joachim H Ronneberg

Peace and Freedom are not self evident

Operation Gunnerside
On the night of 27th February 1943
Ronneberg lead the attack on the
Heavy Water Factory at Vemork,
one of the most important and
successful allied sabotage missions
during the Second World War.
Joachim H. Ronneberg
Birger Stromsheim
Frederik Kayser
Knut Haukelid
Hans Storhaug
Jens-Anton Poulsson
Claus Helberg
Knut Haugland
Arne Kjelstrup

Operation Fieldfare
In the winter of 1944 Ronneberg
and two other Company Linge men
established a secret high mountain
base in the Tafjord mountains to
work with intelligence and sabotage
the communications lines
between the eastern and western
parts of Norway at Dovre.
On the night of the 29th January 1944
they blew up the Stuguflat railway
bridges over the Rauna river
Joachim H, Ronneberg
Birger Stromsheim
Olav Aarsaether

Peace and freedom
are not to be taken for granted"

Ronneberg keerde terug naar Engeland en nam later deel aan de bevrijding van Alesund, zijn geboorteplaats.

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Gebruikte bron(nen)

  • Tekst: Sharky Ward
  • Foto's: Anthony (Sharky) Ward

62.47109, 6.15474