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Locatie Veldhoofdkwartier Lt. Colonel Edwin A. Pollock

Deze foto's tonen de nadering van de frontlinies van het 2nd Battalion, 1st Marines in de slag om Tenaru, 20-21 augustus 1942.

Het toont de algemene omgeving waar de bataljonscommandant, luitenant-kolonel Edwin A. Pollock, zijn commandopost heeft gehad.

Pollock's Navy Cross voordracht:

"When the troops under his command were subjected to a powerful and determined surprise attack at the Tenaru River, Lieutenant-Colonel Pollock, immediately leaving his Command Post, advanced through severe enemy mortar and machine-gun fire to a position in the front line, and while thus constantly exposed to extreme danger, directed the defense of our forces for a period of twelve hours. As a result of his excellent judgment and superb leadership, the men under his command destroyed practically the entire enemy force of seven hundred."

Een groot deel van de Tenaru-aflevering in de tv-miniserie "The Pacific" concentreert zich op het 2nd Battalion, 1st Marines, evenals het boek van Richard Tregaski's, Guadalcanal Diary.

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