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Gedenktekens St Mary’s Church Burley in Wharfedale

Deze plaquettes herdenken de leden van de parochie die zijn omgekomen in de wereldoorlogen.

To the memory of the men of this parish who gave their lives in the first Great War 1914-1918 (names)

To the memory of the men of this parish who gave their lives in the second Great War 1939-1945 (names)

De twee andere plaquettes herdenken:

Humphrey Paul Stennett Buckley die stierf in de Eerste Wereldoorlog. Hij heeft geen bekend graf en wordt herdacht op het gedenkteken van Arras, Pas de Calais, Frankrijk.

In loving memory of
Humphrey Paul
Stennett Buckley
Capt. 7th Batt. East Yorkshire Regt.
only son of Eric Rede Buckley, M.A.
and Gertrude his wife of the vicarage, Burley
in Wharfedale. Killed in action near Roeux
France, 29th July 1917. Aged 22 years.
"The lads that have died in their glory and never been old"

Richard Moore die stierf in de Eerste Wereldoorlog. Hij is begraven op de Blighty Valley-begraafplaats, Authuille Wood, Somme, Frankrijk.

In loving memory of
Richard Moore
2nd. Lieut 6th battalion
the Prince of Wales Own
West Yorkshire Regiment
second son of Fred Denby Moore J.P.
and Edith May his wife of "Cathedine"
Burley who was killed near Albert France
July 15th 1916. Aged 19 years

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Gebruikte bron(nen)

  • Tekst: Simon Armstrong
  • Foto's: Simon Armstrong

53.91251, -1.741199