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Koreaans Oorlogsmonument Kovoy

Dit monument herdenkt de 5000 Koreanen die in de jungle van Papoea-Nieuw-Guinea zijn omgekomen. De tekst op het monument luidt:

"This monument is for forlone souls of about 5,000 Korean war victims. They were comitted to jungle warfare in East Papua New Guinea islands after being taken by force for the purpose of waging futile war of agression after the Japanese Declaration of war against the Unites States and Great Britain December 8, 1941.

1. You lonely forlone souls were committed to an honorless war of agression and were taken away from home. May lost their lives for no purpose becoming the feed of maggots. How can we suppress our sorrow and pity?

2. Now more than a half century has passed since the end of the war of agression. The dawn of the new millenium has left your lost souls wandering in a dark jungle and fathomless heaven. Please find your peace and rest your soul here now and forever.

Chang Byung Mook
Representative of the survivors"

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