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Oorlogsmonument Holy Cross Screen Swainby

Het houten scherm herdenkt de mannen van Swainby die zijn omgekomen in de Eerste Wereldoorlog.

In memory of the men of this parish who fell in the service of their country may they rest in peace and in the thanksgiving to almighty God for those who returned 1914 - 1919 also in loving memory of Frederick Wilson Horsfall the ? of this ? who died Jan. 25th 1920

De erelijst herdenkt de mannen van de Whorlton-parochie die zijn omgekomen in de Eerste Wereldoorlog.

Een plaquette herdenkt Eric Cecil Holmes van de Durham Light Infantry, die op 3 april 1918 aan wonden is overleden. Hij ligt begraven op de begraafplaats St. Sever, Rouen, Frankrijk.

In loving memory of
Eric Cecil Holmes
Lieutenant 5th Durham Light Infantry
who died of wounds received near
Hangard in the Great War and was
buried at Rouen. 3rd April 1918 aged 25
Also of
Violet Emily Marion
who died in South Africa and was
buried at Warrenton. 11th Aug. 1898
aged 4 years the only children
of Cecil and Marion Holmes and
grandchildren of Joseph Richardson
of Potto Hall
"and with the morn those angel ? unite"

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Gebruikte bron(nen)

  • Tekst: Simon Armstrong
  • Foto's: Simon Armstrong

54.41133, -1.265226