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Oorlogsmonument Middlesbrough

Deze plaquette herdenkt de 21 werknemers van de Gjers and Mills-ijzerfabrieken die zijn omgekomen in de Eerste Wereldoorlog.

This memorial tablet was erected by the firm, officials and workmen of Messrs Gjers, Mills & Co. Ltd. Ayresome Iron Works, Middlesbrough to the honour and glory of the following who made the supreme sacrifice for their country during the Great European War 1914 - 1918 "They answered their country's call"

Deze plaquette herdenkt de parisioners van de kerk van All Saints die zijn omgekomen in de Tweede Wereldoorlog.

The World War 1939 - 1945
In honour of
who made the supreme sacrifice

Deze plaquette herdenkt E N Vickers, die tijdens de Falklands Conflict op zee verloren was van de Atlantic Conveyor.

In memory of E. N. Vickers Lost at sea during the Falklands Conflict 1982 whilst serving on the Atlantic Conveyor

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Gebruikte bron(nen)

  • Tekst: Simon Armstrong
  • Foto's: Simon Armstrong