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Gedenktekens Holy Trinity Church Stratford-upon-Avon

Deze plaquettes herdenken:

Captain Peter Judd, die zijn leven gaf op 12 juni 1795, in de Coalitieoorlogen (1792-1815).

De mensen die zijn omgekomen in de Tweede Boerenoorlog en de Eerste Wereldoorlog. Lokaal geloofd te zijn opgezet door de moeder van sergeant Noakes als een erelijst tijdens de Eerste Wereldoorlog.

For God, King and country

This shrine given in memory of
Sergt R Noakes 2/7 R W R
for 15 years a servant of this church
stood in the porch to receive the
names of the fallen 1914-1919
adapted as permanent memorial 1920

De 94 Stratford-mannen die zijn omgekomen in de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Het bestaat uit de kerkklokken en een bijbehorende plaquette.

Ten bells were hung in the church tower
and this tablet was erected
in memory of ninety four brave men
of Stratford Upon Avon who died in war
1939 - 1945
In manus tuas Domine.

De mannen van de 61e South-Midland divisie die zijn omgekomen in de Eerste Wereldoorlog.

To the glory of God
and in grateful memory of the
officers non-commissioned officers and men
of the sixty-first South-Midland Division
who fell in the Great War
The Division raised in 1914 comprised units recruited in the
Counties of Berks Buckingham Gloucester Oxford Warwick
and Worcester and was placed under the command of James
Fourth Marquis of Salisbury KG. The division proceeded in
1916 under Major-General Sir Colin Mackenzie KCB to
France where it served with conspicuous valour on all parts
of the British front in that country and in Belgium from
Ypres to St Quentin. In 1919 the Division was disbanded
at the close of the Great War and the glorious victory
of the allies, to which it had contributed by the sacrifice
of many valuable lives and by continuous and gallant services.
Ypres Laventie Arras Ancre Cambrai St Quentin
1914 Act well your part. There all the honour lies 1919

Eric Henry Scott-Smith die stierf aan dysenterie in de Eerste Wereldoorlog. Hij is begraven op de militaire begraafplaats Portianos, Griekenland.

In loving memory of
Eric Henry Scott-Smith
2nd Lt Royal Engineers only
son of the Hon Mr Justice
Scott-Smith of Lahore
born at Sialkot 16 Feb 1895
died at Mundras Bay 29th Oct 1915
of dysentery contracted in
the Dardanelles campaign

De acteurs die zijn omgekomen in de Eerste Wereldoorlog.

In grateful memory of the players who fell in the Great War 1914-1919

We counterfeited once for your disport men’s joy and sorrow: but our day has passed we pray you pardon all where we fell short seeing we were your servants to this last

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Gebruikte bron(nen)

  • Tekst: Fedor de Vries
  • Foto's: Simon Armstrong