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SOE Establishment - Milton Hall

Milton Hall dates from 1594 and is a private residence.
The park was used as a territorial army assembly point during the Coalition Wars and into the 19th century.
During WW1 it was converted into a Voluntary Aid Detachment Hospital with the main hall being used to re-habilitate officers. The owners, Lord and Lady FitzWilliam had moved out of the house.
During the Second World War the owners once again offered the use of the house and estate to the Government and again moved out to a smaller property on the estate. In the early part of the war the house and stable were used by the Czech forces that had escaped from German occupied Europe.
In 1943 the facility was taken over by Special Operations Executive

In Milton Hall werden Britse en Amerikaanse geheime agenten getraind voor Operation Jedburgh.

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52.584464, -0.311701