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Gedenktekens Beverley Minster

Beverley Minster is een van de grootste parochiekerken in het Verenigd Koninkrijk. Het bevat veel gedenktekens voor de doden in de Boer, Eerste of Tweede Wereldoorlog.

Edgar W Walker. Omgekomen in de Eerste Wereldoorlog. Hij is begraven op Ration Farm Military Cemetery, La Chapelle-D'Armentieres, Nord, Frankrijk.

To the Glory of God and to the memory of Edgar W Walker, Captain 3rd Bt. East Yorkshire Regiment, killed near Armentieres 28th October 1914. Thy will be done. This tablet is erected by his father Rear Admiral A.F. Walker.

De broers Philip en Frank Green die zijn omgekomen in de Eerste Wereldoorlog. Philip heeft geen bekend graf en wordt herdacht op het Pozieres Memorial, Somme, Frankrijk. Frank ligt begraven op de militaire begraafplaats Lijssenthoek, West-Vlaanderen, België.

In loving memory of Sec. Lieut. Philip Green 4th East Yorkshire Regiment, who was killed at Harbonnierès, France, on March 28th 1918, aged 27 years. Also of Lieut. Frank Green, 5th Yorkshire Regiment, who was killed at Passchendaele, Flanders on December 28th 1917, aged 23 years. Two of four brothers who fought in the war, and sons of William and Martha Green of this parish.

Lieutenant Mark Norman Rennie. Hij werd gedood in actie aan boord van HMS Vala in de Golf van Biskaje. Hij wordt herdacht op het Chatham Naval-monument.

Sacred to the memory of Lieut. Mark Norman Rennie R.N.R. who was killed in action in the Bay of Biscay on the 21st August 1917. whilst on special service in command of H.M.S. "Vala" aged 29 year. This tablet is erected by his loving wife and child. Dulce et decorum est pro patri a mori.

Deze plaquette herdenkt Douglas Fenton de Wend die tijdens de Eerste Wereldoorlog in Ieper is vermoord. Hij heeft geen bekend graf en wordt herdacht op het monument van de Menenpoort in België.

To the glory of God and in loving memory of Lieut. Douglas Fenton de Wend of 2nd Battn. Duke of Wellington's Regt, elder son of Colonel D.C. de Wend, who after serving through the battles of the Marne, the Aisne and Bethune fell mortally wounded whilst leading his company against the Prussian Guard in the 1st great battle of Ypres 10th-11th Nov. 1914, aged 24 years. Dulce est pro patria mori. In dear memory also of Cyril George de Wend, the brother of the above who died at sea off Southampton on Augst. 18th 1902. Aged 12 years.

Osborn Cecil Wilkinson sneuvelde in Ieper. Hij is begraven op de gemeentelijke begraafplaats van Hazebrouck, Nord, Frankrijk.

To the Glory of God in memory of my husband Osborn Cecil Wilkinson Captain East Yorkshire Regiment son of Maj-Genl George Allix Wilkinson. R.A. He gave his life in the defence of Ypres with 2nd Battalion February 5th 1915 aged 37. Buried at Hazebrouck. "Death is swallowed up in victory."

Richard Erle Benson stierf op 29 september 1914 aan verwondingen na gewond te zijn geraakt. Hij ligt begraven op het St. George churchyard, Reynoldston, Glamorganshire.

In devoted memory of Richard Erle Benson, Lieut. Colonel commanding 1st. Battn. the East Yorkshire Regiment who gave his life for his country, September 27th 1914. "The path of Pthe just is as the shining light that shineth more and more unto the perfect day." This tablet erected by his wife.

Colour Sergeant T. J. Winter sneuvelde op 26 december 1914. Hij heeft geen bekend graf en wordt herdacht op het Ibadan-monument in Nigeria.

Col. Sergt. T. J. Winter 4th Bn. Nigeria Regiment East Yorkshire Regiment Killed in action 26th, Dec, 1914

East Yorkshire Regiment
Deze plaquettes herdenkt de soldaten van het East Yorkshire Regiment die hun leven hebben gegeven in de Tweede Boerenoorlog (1899-1902), Eerste Wereldoorlog (1914-1918), Tweede Wereldoorlog (1939-1945) en Malakka.

De mannen van de East Riding die dienden en vielen in andere regimenten staan vermeld op de houten schermen aan weerszijden van het monument.

To the Glory of God and in grateful memory of the officers, warrant officers, non-commissioned officers and men of the East Yorkshire Regiment who laid down their lives for King and Country in the Great War 1914-1918

To the Glory of God and to the memory of the officers and men of the East Yorkshire Regiment or East Riding men of other units who gave up their lives in the Great War 1914-1918. The windows above the soldiers' chapel and the shrine are dedicated AD 1921

To perpetuate and honour the memory of the N.C.Os and men of the East Yorkshire Regiment (Duke of York's Own) who lost their lives in Malaya 1933 - 1955. These rails were presented by their comrades in arms of the 1st Battalion

East Yorkshire Regiment Volunteer Service Company
Deze plaquette herdenkt de soldaten van de East Yorkshire Regiment Volunteer Service Company die hun leven hebben gegeven in de Tweede Boerenoorlog (1899-1902). Het herdenkt ook Major Francis R. Macmullen (The Wiltshire Regiment) die zijn leven gaf op 15 februari 1900.

East Yorkshire Yeomanry
Deze plaquettes herdenken de mannen van de East Yorkshire Yeomanry die zijn omgekomen in de wereldoorlogen.

Forrard 1914 1918 In honoured memory of the officers non commissioned officers and men of the East Riding Yeomanry who fell in the Great War This tablet is erected by their comrades

Forrard 1939 1945 In honoured memory of the officers non commissioned officers and men of the East Riding Yeomanry who fell in the Second World War This tablet is erected by their comrades

Beverley Grammar School
Deze plaquettes herdenken 29 oud-leerlingen van de Beverley Grammar School die zijn omgekomen in de Eerste Wereldoorlog en 35 oud-leerlingen van de Beverley Grammar School die zijn omgekomen in de Tweede Wereldoorlog..

Adolescentiam alunt senectatum oblectari
To the glory of God and in memory of the following old boys of Beverley Grammar school who made the sacrifice in the Great War 1914-1918

Adolescentiam alunt senectatum oblectari
In Remembrance of the following old boys of Beverley Grammar School who fell in the Second Great War

64th Infantry Brigade
Dit kruis herdenkt de mannen van de 64th Infantry Brigade die stierven op een deel van de Hindenburglinie nabij Henin Hill, Arras.

To the honoured memory of the officers and men of the 64th Infantry Brigade who fell on April 9th 1917 in capturing the part of the Hindenburg line close to this place.

This cross was erected on Henin Hill near Arras France in April 1917. It was replaced in July 1931 by a permanent stone replica to perpetuate the memory of all ranks of the 64th Infantry Brigade who fell in the Great War 1914-1918. The Brigade contained 1. E. York. R. 9. K.O.Y.L.I. 10. K.O.Y.L.I and 15. D.L.I. Unveiled and dedicated Beverley Minster November 1st 1931.

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  • Tekst: Simon Armstrong & Fedor de Vries
  • Foto's: Simon Armstrong

53.839171, -0.424716