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Swinton, Hugh Alistair

10 december 1914 (North Battleford/Saskatchewan, Canada)
18 januari 2010 (Calgary/Alberta, Canada)


Audio interview done in 2005 in het Imperial War Museum:

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Tweede Wereldoorlog (1939-1945)
Acting Sergeant
Royal Canadian Artillery
M-2130 Bombardier (Acting Sergeant) Hugh Alastair Swinton
Royal Canadian Artillery

On the night of 5 September 1944, after the break-through of the GOTHIC LINE, the 8 Canadian Field Regiment was deployed Southeast of MISANO. During the occupation of the position, the gun area was subjected to bombing attacks by low-flying aircraft and a self-propelled gun received a direct hit and caught fire. The armoured shields on the gun were blown off, the ammunition started to blaze and was exploding. Although seriously wounded by bomb fragments, Bombardier SWINTON mustered his gun detachment and proceeded to extinguish the blaze. Bombs fell close to the burning gun and the gun detachment was machine-gunned. Showing complete disregard for the continued air attacks and despite the imminent danger of detonation of the ammunition, Bombardier SWINTON, assisted by his gun detachment, brought the fire under control and finally extinguished it. In doing so, he sustained serious burns. Before receiving medical treatment, this Non- Commissioned Officer, finding that the gun an d sights were undamaged, brought his gun into action with the result that it was employed in important fire tasks during the night.

The outstanding courage and determination displayed by this Non-Commissioned Officer were an inspiration to all ranks of the Regiment and his action is worthy of highest praise.
Military Medal (MM)


  • Foto: Valerie Swinton (dochter)
  • - Onderscheidingen.
    - Valerie Swinton (dochter)
