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Helfer, Terence

22 februari 1920 (Londen, Groot-Brittannië)
29 oktober 2010 (Torquay/Devon, Groot-Brittannië)


Terence Helfer diende bij de Royal Air Force.
Hij was de piloot van Lockheed Hudson, FK803 "MA-N", 161 Squadron, die op 21 maart 1945 neerstortte bij Maulusmühle tijdens SOE Operatie Benedict naar Duitsland.

Flight Lieutenant Terence Helfer, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, wist zich met zjn parachute te redden. De overige bemanningsleden en drie Belgische geheim agenten kwamen om het leven. De totale bemanning bestond uit:
- Pilot, Flight Lieutenant Terence Helfer, 127041 RAFVR;
- Wireless Operator, Flying Officer Raymond Frankish Escreet, 143469 RAFVR, KIA;
- Navigator, Flying Officer Henry Scurr Johnson, 168807 RAFVR, KIA;
- Air Gunner, Flying Officer Forrest Harold Thompson, 412766 RNZAF, KIA;
- Guy José Florent Corbisier, KIA;
- Léon Ghislain de Winter, KIA;
- Jean-Jacques Morel, KIA.

Na de Tweede Wereldoorlog ontving Terence Helfer de Queen's Commendation for Valuable Service in the Air (1 januari 1953) en de Air Force Cross (1 juni 1953).

?: Flight Sergeant;
7 juli 1942: Pilot Officer (emergency);
7 januari 1943: Flying Officer on probation (war subs.);
7 juli 1944: Flight Lieutenant (war subs.);
18 december 1945: Flying Officer;
1 juli 1946: Flight Lieutenant;
1 juli 1951: Squadron Leader;
1 januari 1957: Wing Commander.

?: Elementary Flying Training School, Cambridge;
?: No. 218 Squadron;
?: Lysander Flying School;
?: No. 161 Squadron;
5 januari 1960: Retirement.

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Tweede Wereldoorlog (1939-1945)
Flight Lieutenant (Kapitein-vlieger)
No. 161 (Special Duties) Squadron, Royal Air Force
Toegekend op:
1 juni 1945

LG 37105/2792.
Distinguished Flying Cross (DFC)


  • Foto 1: Familie
  • - Second Supplement to The London Gazette of 21st August 1942, Issue 35678, dated 25th August 1942
    - Second Supplement to The London Gaztte of 2nd March 1943, Issue 35927, dated 5th March 1943
    - Third Supplement to the London Gazette of 25th July 1944, Issue 36629, dated 28th July 1944
    - Fifth Supplement to The London Gazette of 29th May 1945, Issue 37105, dated 1st June 1945
    - Second Supplement to The London Gazette of 31st May 1946, Issue 37590, dated 4th June 1946
    - Third Supplement to The London Gazette of 11th October 1946, Issue 37758, dated 15th October 1946
    - Second Supplement to The London Gazette of 25th February 1947, Issue 37892, dated 28th February 1947
    - Second Supplement to The London Gazette of 26th June 1951, Issue 39271, dated 29th June 1951
    - Supplement to The London Gazette of 30th December 1952, Issue 39732, dated 1st January 1953
    - Supplement to The Londo Gazette of 26th May 1953, Issue 39863, dated 1st June 1953
    - Fifth Supplement to The London Gazette of 28th December 1956, Issue 40964, dated 1st January 1957
    - Second Supplement to The London Gazette of 22nd January 1960, Issue 41938, dated 26th January 1960
    - Free Belgians
    - Roll of Honour

