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Francis, Raymond

18 november 1944
Begraven op:
Oorlogsbegraafplaats van het Gemenebest Mierlo
Vak: VII. Rij: D. Graf: 3.


Trooper. Royal Dragoons.

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War Diary vermeldingen

18 november 1944 WO 171/840 - 1 Royal Dragoons
A quiet day on our on front. Shortly after dark 'A' Sqn, operating in our Southern sector, sent out a patrol to lay mines. At about 1900 hrs a mortar landed in the midst of the patrol, which was then about a mile SW of SAMBEEK. The entire patrol were casualties. Cpl Holttum, Cpl Myles, Tprs Francis, Green and Moore were killed and Lt. R. de S. Lawrenson and Tprs Garner and Robinson injured. It was pitch dark at the time and the enemy cannot have known the patrol's position. It is considered that it can only have been an unlucky coincidenoe that the patrol was hit. Fine at first, but rain later in the day. Visibility good.

