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Kuipers, James Bernard



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Tweede Wereldoorlog (1939-1945)
Lieutenant (1e Luitenant)
Toegekend op:
24 januari 1946
Military Cross (MC)

War Diary vermeldingen

18 june 1944 WO 171/1658 - 612 Field Squadron
Lts Collwell & Kuipers left with 1 Tp for Br site.

1 july 1944 WO 171/1658 - 612 Field Squadron
Lt. Kuipers briefed by C.R.E. for road recce on road BRETTEVILLE - CULLY. Sqn. is to maintain this route.

17 july 1944 WO 171/1658 - 612 Field Squadron
H.Q. & 2 Tp. moved to LASSON 962743 arriving 1600 hrs, Lt. Kuipers sent to move with 13 F.S. R.E. & […].

23 july 1944 WO 171/1658 - 612 Field Squadron
Lts. Casswell & Kuipers set off with recce pty.

4 september 1944 WO 171/1658 - 612 Field Squadron
street of RONSEVAL 6442 at 0800 hour for breakfast Lt Kuipers R.E. with D4 + 1 sec. of 1 troop moved on right route with Div H.Q. and cleared numerous burnt out enemy vehicles from the road. Lt Preedy + 2 Tp. moved at the rear of Sqn. convoy + did [...] work on the left route. Sqn withdraw - a D.R. - was involved in a traffic accident during the night + was evacuated.

5 september 1944 WO 171/1658 - 612 Field Squadron
Lt. Kuipers went to KSLI to recce bridges over Albert Canal in area 6998 – 7398 as soon as infantry should be able to establish a bridgehead.

