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Clarke, H.J.



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War Diary vermeldingen

15 october 1944 WO 171/2352 - 17 Field Park Company
No attack today while 185 Bde reorganised after very heavy fighting. 1 and 3 Pls did some mine cleareance during afternoon in preparation for next days operations, and 2 Pl did route maintanance. 2 Pl carrier went up on a mine but two occupants were injured - carrier scrap. Attack due to recommence 0600 hrs next day with Warwicks and Norfolks up. In preparation for this attack which was to be supported by tanks 2 Pl constructed crossing over Loobeek with armco and fascines working by artificial moonlight during night.. Also during night instruction and assistance was given to infantry in construction of Kapok floats for crossing Molen beek. Weather-fine during day but heavy rain at night. Lt. H.J. Clarke took over comd of 3 Pl from Lt. J.A.Oldfield who was posted to CTG Inverary.


  • - War Diary
