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War Diary vermeldingen

1 april 1945 WO 171/5084 - 13 Royal Horse
Across canal by KSLI. Capt Budgen MC killed by sniper while in sp coy attack by 8 RB. Lieut Rollo tales his place as Tp Comd "B" Tp. Guns fairly busy with (a) CB and CM work (b) fire plans in wp of br-head (c) fire plans in sp of local mopping-up attacks on pockets, mostly flak sites, this side of the Canal. In evening 159 Inf Bde Gp take over the brhead.

21 april 1945 WO 171/5084 - 13 Royal Horse
Move back to 29 Armd Bde area West of LUNEBERG. 2IC (Major Farquhar) leaves to take over comd of 5 RHA. Everyone extremely sorry to see him go. Capt Rollo posted from G Bty to H Bty. Lieut Reichwald takes over Rollo's tp in G Bty


  • - War Diary
