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Curtiss, R.



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War Diary vermeldingen

30 april 1945 WO 171/5201 - 1 Herefordshire Regiment
Hfd Gp. moves off on route Schwarzenbeck 8248, Basthorst 8156 Mines knocked out 3 tanks and one carrier killing 3 O.R's and wounding one officer (Capt.R.Curtiss 2 i/c "A" Coy.)The mines were laid from cross roads 808500 to Haverhorst 8152.

1 may 1945 WO 171/5201 - 1 Herefordshire Regiment
Hfd. group start advance. Mines encountered at intervals in road from X rds. 808500 to Havehorst 8152. knocking out 3 tanks and one carrier, causing cas. to bn. of 3 O.R's killed and one officer wounded. (Capt.Curtis, 2 i/c "A" Coy.)


  • - War Diary
