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Bevan, Gomer



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Tweede Wereldoorlog (1939-1945)
Corporal (Korporaal)
1st Battalion Herefordshire Regiment, British Army
Toegekend op:
21 juni 1945
Military Medal (MM)

War Diary vermeldingen

1 april 1945 WO 171/5201 - 1 Herefordshire Regiment
Bn. with 2F&F Yeo u/c moved with the intention of passing through 4 KSLI at BIRGHTE Bridge V9406 across the Dortmund Ems Canal. Route Leer, Bursteinfurt, Emsdetten V8697, Mseum V8404, Elte 8605, Riesenbeck 9307, Birghte 9406.The enemy had been located by 4 KSLI on the wooded high ground at 972060, and A and D Coys. (left and right respectively) were deployed to attack this position, the close country making tank support impossible. "A" Coy reached high ground at 972060, but were counter attacked three times and were finally surrounded. On orders from Bn.HQ, they managed to make their way to the Southern edge of the wood. "D" Coy on the right also had difficulty and later were ordered to withdrawBoth Coys suffered casualties, the total for the operation being:- Offrs.Killed 2 (Lieut.Spittal and Lieut.Hopkinson) Wounded 2 (Lieut.Mannering and Lieut.Mason.OR's killed 3 Wounded 36 and missing 13:The Bn. eventually consolidated on the reverse slope with "A" at 963051, "B" at 987053, "C" at 964055, "D" at 967049 B.H.Q. at same area. The enemy were first class troops being a composite unit formed from the NCO Inf.Trg.School at Hanover. Birghte Bridge and the Bn. positions were attacked twice by enemy aircraft, during the afternoon and evening without causing casualties. Adwards for this action "A" Coy. Major Tapper awarded Military Cross. C.S.M. Hartnett and Sergt. Bevan awarded the Military Medal.

