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Hazlerigg, A.M.



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Tweede Wereldoorlog (1939-1945)
Lieutenant (1e Luitenant)
Toegekend op:
4 april 1946
Mentioned in Dispatches

War Diary vermeldingen

14 june 1944 WO 171/2380 - 96 Company
D + 8. Capt. R.C. Beare, Lt. A.M. Hazlerigg & Lt. H.S. Godber with 102 O.R.’s due to land today but delayed by over 2 days by weather and seas.

10 april 1945 WO 171/6190 - 96 Company
Lt. Hazlerigg O.C. 'B' Pl. reports in after lift of 9 Bde. to area N.E. of OSNABRUCK.

19 june 1945 WO 171/6190 - 96 Company
Lt. Haylerigg sent on U.K. leave, second time.

17 august 1945 WO 171/6190 - 96 Company
Lt. Cl. Bell RASC joined unit to command 777 P.W. Tpt. Pl. which has recently been held by Lt. A.M. Haylings of this unit. He has come from 747 Coy RASC (Bridge).

20 august 1945 WO 171/6190 - 96 Company
Capt. Locke and Lt. Hazlerigg went to see CRASC 46 Tpt. Coln. RASC

12 november 1945 WO 171/6190 - 96 Company
Lt. A.M. Hazlerigg went to CUXHAVEN for a few days to look after ‘B’ Pl. detachment.

