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Painting, John Arthur

17 november 1944 (Boxmeer)
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Vak: II. Rij: D. Graf: 8.


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War Diary vermeldingen

17 november 1944 WO 171/920 - 63 Anti-Tank Regiment
250 Battery's location at BOXMEER heavily shelled. A direct hit on a trench where a number had taken shelter caused the following casualties. Killed: L/Sgt Painting, Sgt Dyason, L/Bdr Hankin, L/Bdr Quainton, Gnr Bland, Gnr Cleall, Gnr Wisker. Wounded: L/Sgt Coggins, Gnr Butler, Gnr Dowling, GNR Johnson, Gnr Kilby and Cpl Bailey (REME). The above killed includes both 250 Battery's Clerk. Gnr Baldwin (RHQ Clerk) sent to 250 Battery. Special authority obtained through RA 8 Corps to collect two Unit Clerks from 31 RHU to replace casualties.

19 november 1944 WO 171/920 - 63 Anti-Tank Regiment
Major Cornforth returned from 108 General Hospital, BRUSSELS. On his journey back he called at 31 RHU and collected two Unit Clerks to replace Sgt Painting and L/Bdr Hankin who had been killed at 250 Battery. Special authority had been obtained for this from 8 Corps. The two clerks were Bdr Rous and Gnr Argile. Bdr Rous was posted to 250 Battery and Gnr Arguile to RHQ. Gnr Baldwin remains with 250 Battery. C.O. received letter from Commander 3 British Inf Div congratulating him on 252 Battery's action on night of 16 November, when they scuppered German patrol. He also enclosed a reward for the capture to the extent of 16 Guilders.
