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Rick, W.W.



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Tweede Wereldoorlog (1939-1945)
Sergeant-Major (Sergeant-majoor)
"On 5th October, 1944, Sergt. Rick was leading a carrier section engaged in clearing a stronglyheld enemy position at Aerle. The carrier came under fire from an enemy 88 mm. gun from very close range. The enemy fired several shots, all of which missed his carrier, and was firing small arms from automatic weapons. Sergt. Rick took a Piat and, chooising his opportunity, dismounted and alone crossed the bullet-swept ground and got into a fire position. Other members of his section were told to cover his advance forward to within 30 yards of the enemy. From this position Sergt. Rick suddenly opened fire, putting six bombs among the enemy. Those of the enemy not killed fled, and the section moved forward to its objective.

In a further advance forward the section again encountered an enemy post, this time containing a 20 mm. flak gun. As before, Sergt. Rick dismounted and was covered by his section until he was in a position to kill or disperse the enemy and to destroy the gun.

Throughout the day this N.C.O. showed great dash and determination and such contempt for the superiority in men and fire-power of the enemy as compared with his own force that he was able to overcome it. It was sheer determination and leadership on his part that won his section these two encounters".
Military Medal (MM)
Tweede Wereldoorlog (1939-1945)

War Medal 1939-1945

