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Schloßborn, Rudolf



Unteroffizier Rudolf Schloßborn werd met zijn Messerschmitt 109 op 1 januari 1945 neergeschoten door het Britse No. 3 Squadron boven 't Broek, tussen Aarle-Rixtel en Gemert. Hij wist uit zijn toestel te springen en een tijdje uit handen van de Britten te blijven, maar werd nog dezelfde dag gearresteerd door de Britse 110 Provost Company.

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War Diary vermeldingen

1 january 1945 WO 171/7822 - 110 Provost Company
No 1 Section, located at HELMOND, performing discipline, cinema, car park and information post duties, also one traffic control point. – No 2 Section located at HEEZE, performing duties at information post, and two traffic points, one in HEEZE, one in MAARHEEZE, controlling “Hat” route from WEERT to GELDROP. Traffic was light throughout the day. – No 3 Section Corps H.Q. duties (security). – No 4 Section Five traffic points in HELMOND and responsible for “Hat” route from GELDROP (exclusive) to DERNE exclusive. – No 5 Section Controlling & policing FMC 56 at DONK. Subject to enemy fighter bomber attack. One pilot Adolf [Schousborg?] who was brought down, was escorted to 2218 P.O.W. Cage BOURG LEOPOLD. No damage in this area. – No 6 Section Policing and control of “Triangle” route from GELDROP to GEMERT via NUNEN – BEEK. Enemy air activity during morning. Traffic throughout day was light. – No 7 Section Policing and control of NEDERWEERT. – No 8 Section Policing and control of WEERT. Maintenance traffic of 15 (S) Div and 11th Armd Div. very heavy throughout the day. – No 9 Section Policing and control of GEMERT.

