Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence
Summaries are contained in F.S. Regs., Vol. 1.
and the Staff Manual respectively Title pages
will be prepared in manuscript.

Army Form C.2118
Unit: 96 Company, RASC (Troop Carrying)
Month and Year: October 1944 (Erase heading not required). Commanding Officer: Major A.W. Holmes, RASC
Place Date Hour Summary Reference
North of DIEST K0974 1   3 Pls now engaged in RH clearance at Tessenderloo. Information received that new D.D.S.T Army Brig. Eossie will shortly visit to speak to men.
2   Considerable amount of work being completed by Coy. W/S whole unit now well located in fairly good conditions.
4 1215 O.C. went to H.Q. 22 Tpt .Coln. to meet Maj. Len Kerr D.S.T., War Office, who congratulated all on excellent job done in this campaign so far. Also met once again Brig. Eossie D.D.S.T. Army.
5 1700 Unit transferred to command 46 Tpt Coln for no particular reason. O.C. contacted 2 i/c at 17:00 hours.
6   3 Pls. relieved of duties at Supply RH and having rested 12 hrs. went out to carry of ammo for 8 corps, afterwards to make troop lift and return location unchanged.
7   Pls. to carryout troop lift with 15(S) Div. (now transferred to 8 Corps) O.C. received prospective new location but move cancelled for present by CRASC 46 Coln.
9   Pls. switched to carry 3 (Br) Inf. Div. O.C. to 8 Corps Rear and arranging move of H.Q. & part of W/S
RIETHOVEN Sht.4 of 1/250000 M.R. 362088 11   Coy H.Q. & W/S less rear party moved to Riethoven w.e.f. 1300 hrs. Occupying large school and a dairy mill. Crossed Dutch frontier S of Eindhoven
12   It appears that there is some prospect of getting replacement vehicles at last. 2 Task vehicles, 3 P.V.'s and several m/c are required.
13   O.C. visited CRASC 15(S) Div., Rear HQ 8 Corps and Pls move arranged.
Near HELMOND E5821 14   Coy H.Q. & W/S moved at 1100 hrs, W/S under cover. H.Q. in meadow next to a wood.
15   Pls. standing by waiting for orders for lift.
16   Units standing by for operational lift of 15(S) Div. to area SE by E of HELMOND. Attack believed planned towards VENLO.
17   Still standing by various plans for operation made and cancelled.
18   Unit transferred to direct command of D.D.S.T. 8 Corps 15(S) Div.'s operation having been cancelled.
19   1 O.R. attached to D.D.S.T. Second Army now cross posted.
20   Pls. carrying lunatics and civilians’ refugees from VENRAY where a large asylum has been liberated. There are some 2500 in all to be taken to area of EINDHOVEN.
23   Reinforcements of 18 O.R.'s received. I Sergt., 2 Cpls, 12 drivers, 1 Drivers Clerk, 1 Vehicle Mech and 1 coach trimmer.
24   Looking for new location as present location provides excellent standing but no accommodation except for W/S.
25   Pls still carrying lunatics and refugees - Maj. Dixon of S&T 8 Corps visited unit.
27   Conference at 46 H.Q. Tpt. Coln. RASC. Enemy attack South of DEURNE making progress. Pls lifted 227 & 44 Bdes. of 15(S) Div. from area TILBURG down to area of attack.
GINDERDOOR E5028 28   Unit moved to area MARIAHOUT, Northeast of LIESHOUT. All men accommodated in billets with W/S in school yard.
29   Whole day off for all pls. Interior economy and maintenance.
30   Again, a whole day off. Most Surprising!
31   Pls doing maintenance. Lift of ammo. for 8 Corp.

Disclaimer: This War Diary is based on its original, but typos might be corrected. For historical research, always check the originals.