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Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence Summaries are contained in F.S. Regs., Vol. 1. and the Staff Manual respectively Title pages will be prepared in manuscript.

Army Form C.2118
Unit: 83 Field Regiment
Month and Year: August 1944 (Erase heading not required). Commanding Officer: Lt. Col. R.E.H. Hudson
Place Date Hour Summary Reference
MOUEN 941642 1   Lieutenant Clymow posted to CMP 53rd Div. Registation of Targets by AWOP for fire plan in support of Raid on Triangle Wood 970622. Weather very misty in the morning. Observation posts still established at 329 Battery 020628, 330 Battery at ETTERVILLE 985640, 460 Battery at Church FLEURY SUR ORNE 022647.
2 0545 Raid on Triangle Wood started at 0610. Forward Observation officer reported forward troops had reached wood. Raid completed 0650 hours. Very successful. 2 prisoners taken and triangle wood cleared. Raid was supported by Divisional Arty and 72 Medium Regiment. Fire was reported as excellent. Captain Holme 330 Battery was the Forward Observation Officer with 4 RWF who carried out the Raid.
2 1830 Attack by fighting patrol 6 RWF on to LE HAMEL 998615. Object was to discover strength of enemy. Enemy in strength attacking troops subject to cross fire from Start Line. Supporting fire completed by 1945 hours.
2 2105 Started Fire Plan in support of raid by 4th Welch on EVRECY. POWs taken. Raid successful. Completed firing 2220 hours.
3   Anticipation that enemy will put out on our front. Fired a number of HM Tasks. Extensive Patrolling to discover enemy movements.
GAVRUS 927618 4 1230 Regiment fired 12 Propaganda Shells at crossroads 003571. Regiment moved to GAVRUS. Battaions moved as follows. 6 RWF to MALTOT. 7 RWF to FEVGUEROLLE SUR ORNE 9961. 4 RWF in ST MARTIN 9760. Extensive patrolling carried out.
AVENAY 950590 5   Reorganisation of Brigades commences. 4 RWF left for 71 Brigade replaced by 1st East Lancs Regiment. 6 RWF left for 160 Brigade replaced by 1/5th Welch. 7 RWF remained in 158 Infantry Brigade. Regiment moved from Gun Area at AVENAY. Canadians on left restarted attack on MAY SUR ORNE. Observation posts were occupied near River Orne South East of BULLY 9959. Bridgehead over River Orne formed by 59th Division between BRIEVX and GRIMBOSQ 9551 and 9653.
6   Fired Fire Plan “Woodcock” in support of 59th Division attack in Bridgehead. Lieutenant MH Baker wounded by premature on 460 Battery gun position. Evacuated.
MONTIGNY 915534 7 1430 Regiment moved to Montigny. 158 Infantry Brigade moved to Concentration Area at ST HONERINE DU FAY 9356 in preparation for the crossing of the River Orne. 59th Division being heavily counter attacked in Bridgehead but held their position.
8   Many Victory Targets were fired in support of 59th Division.
9   Quiet Day fewer targets engaged. Brigadier GB Sugden MBE took over command of 158 Infantry Brigade vice Brigadier SL Jones, OBE, MC.
10 0800 Recce Parties left area at BRIEOX recced for Regiment at 1600 hours. 330 Battery moved into positions across River Orne. First Artillery Regiment to take up position in Bridgehead. By 2115 hours, remainder of Regiment were in action.
BRIEUX 960517 10   158 Infantry Brigade together with this Regiment came under command 59th Division. Brigade HQ at GINGLAIS 983515, Lieutenant Lester posted in.
11 1430 Regiment supported 7 RWF attack on FRESNEY LE VIEUX 0048. Strong opposition withdrew for the night under OBOE Smoke Screen.
11 2130 Shot on Barrage ‘Bull’ in support of 59th Division West of THURY HARCOURT 9446.
12 1100 1/5th Welch attacked and captured FRESNEY LE VIEUX. 1st East Lancs at 1200 hours attacked and captured BOIS HALBOUR 0146. 158 Infantry Brigade Group reverted under command 53rd Division at 0800 hours. Captains WF Simpson and AC Farrington wounded by shell fire in FORET DE CINGLAIE
12 2040 329 Battery fired red smoke as Target indication for Rocket firing Typhoons.
FRESNEY 13   Lt G Lester promoted to A/Captain. Lt AM Davies promoted to A/Captain.
LE VIEUX 006487 13 1620 Regiment moved and in action at FRESNEY LE VIEUX.
ACQUEVILLE 020447 14 1315 Regiment moved to ACQUEVILLE. Brigade moved to BOIS HALBOUT. ST MARIN DE MIEUX and MESNIL-FLOUX captured. Premature occurred in 329 Battery. Bombadier Eyres killed – gun damaged beyond repair. 158 Brigade moved up to ST MARTIN and then returned to Miette. 160 Brigade carried on attack.
MARTAINVILLE 15   Recce Parties moved to area MARTAINVILLE. Mines and Snipers encountered.
15 1315 Regiment in action. ZLs recorded.
15 1415 Engaged Fire Plan in support 160 Infantry Brigade. Fire reported effective. Infantry well pleased. Objectives at PIERREPOINT captured. Lieutenant Brett and Signalman Smalley wounded by mine.
LEFFARD 065384 16 1415 1st East Lancs passed through 2nd Mons at LEFFARD.
16   1st East Lancs advanced beyoned LEFFARD. Recce Parties went forward to area near NORAN L'ABBAYE. 1st East Lancs withdrew from MIETTE to NOROW. HF Tasks engaged from 2300 to 0130 hours 17th August. 1/5th Welch took over LEFFARD.
17 0135 Engaged Fire Plan Wolf & Hound in support 7 RWF who captured MIETTE.
NORON L'ABBAYE 093369 17 1215 Regiment moved to gun area near NORON L'ABBAYE.
17 1623 Engaged Fire Plan in support 71 Infantry Brigade. HLI RT, 4 RWF Lt [Page break?] ST MARTIN DE MIEUX and MESNIL-FLOUX captured. Premature occurred in 329 Battery. Bombadier Eyres killed – gun damaged beyond repair.
17   158 Brigade moved up to ST MARTIN and then returned to MIETTE. 160 Brigade carried on attack.
ST MARTIN DE MIEUX 119333 18 1845 Regiment moved via FALAISE to ST MARTIN DE MIEUX.
18 2300 Regiment fired Victory Target to celebrate the destruction of German 7th Army.
ST CLAIR 19 0700 Recce Parties moved.
19 1115 Regiment in action in ST CLAIR area, Brigade moved to ST CLAIR. 1 East Lancs moved to Point 183. 1731. 1/5th Welch moved to Point 135. 1932. 7 RWF in reserve at LA MOGUETTE.
19 1700 Fired quick Barrage in support of attack by 4 RWF on PIERREFITTE 1926.
ST CLAIR 20-25   53rd Division ordered to clear areas. 160 Infantry Brigade allotted task. 158 Brigade resting. Regiment remaining at ST CLAIR. Maintenance on vehicles and equipment. Most acceptable rest period was enjoyed by all.
936349 26   Sergeant Kennedy wounded by Booby Trap – Evacuated.
27 0415 Moved from ST CLAIR to Hide at BOIS BRANGER 7658. Arrived 1730 hours.
BOIS BRANDER 27 1400 Moved from BOIS BRANGER to SEBECOURT 963646. Arrived 1730 hours.
SEBECOURT 28 1200 Moved to area VIEUX VILLE 3083 in action with no Observation Posts out. Prepared to support 15th Scottish Division in crossing River Seine.
VIEUX VILLEZ 29 0700 Moved to area 3385 – All in action 0915 hours. Lieutenant Trunchion and Lt JMT Saunders posted to Regiment.
RIVER SEINE 29 1900 Moved across River Seine
29 2030 Arrived in Hide area MUIDS 3190.
MUIDS 30 1300 Regiment moved to area 404986. Arrived 1530 hours.
LA HERONDE 31 1725 Regiment moved at new Hide 579100. Arrived 2030 hours. Regiment has not fired since occupying ST CLAIR position. Advance very rapid. Artillery support has not been required.

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Source: War Diary: 83rd Field Regiment, Royal Artillery.

Disclaimer: This War Diary is based on its original, but typos might be corrected. Locations are calculated, so might not be in the correct place. For historical research, always check the originals.