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Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence Summaries are contained in F.S. Regs., Vol. 1. and the Staff Manual respectively Title pages will be prepared in manuscript.

Army Form C.2118
Unit: 110 Provost Coy C.M.P.
Month and Year: January 1945 (Erase heading not required). Commanding Officer: Capt. J.D. Brown
Place Date Hour Summary Reference
1   No 1 Section, located at HELMOND, performing discipline, cinema, car park and information post duties, also one traffic control point. – No 2 Section located at HEEZE, performing duties at information post, and two traffic points, one in HEEZE, one in MAARHEEZE, controlling “Hat” route from WEERT to GELDROP. Traffic was light throughout the day. – No 3 Section Corps H.Q. duties (security). – No 4 Section Five traffic points in HELMOND and responsible for “Hat” route from GELDROP (exclusive) to DERNE exclusive. – No 5 Section Controlling & policing FMC 56 at DONK. Subject to enemy fighter bomber attack. One pilot Adolf [Schousborg?] who was brought down, was escorted to 2218 P.O.W. Cage BOURG LEOPOLD. No damage in this area. – No 6 Section Policing and control of “Triangle” route from GELDROP to GEMERT via NUNEN – BEEK. Enemy air activity during morning. Traffic throughout day was light. – No 7 Section Policing and control of NEDERWEERT. – No 8 Section Policing and control of WEERT. Maintenance traffic of 15 (S) Div and 11th Armd Div. very heavy throughout the day. – No 9 Section Policing and control of GEMERT.
1   Information received there were 6 German pilots at the 34 C.C.S. in HELMOND as a result of mornings air activity – 4 dead – 2 injured.
2   Disposition of my company – no change. Coy HQ located at LEENDE. Several unit movements in corps area. Noted cafes in HELMOND were visited and found in order. Observations being kept on Mrs Wilms of 31 Waald Straat who was released from hospital after V.D. treatment (still under treatment).
3   Disposition of my company no change, with the exception of Section 5 which has now moved to BUDEL to police and sign new FMC 57. Area zinc works. L/Cpls Phillips and Shaw were commended by the Town Major of HELMOND for the way they carried out traffic duties in HELMOND during the air attack morning of 1st Jan 45. This had an effect on the civil population. Traffic throughout the day in corps area was medium.
4   Disposition of my company. No 1 Section HELMOND. No 2 Section HEEZE. No 3 Section Main Corps HQ. No 4 Section HELMOND. No 5 Section FMC 57 BUDEL. No 6 Section BEEK. No 7 Section NEDERWEERT. No 8 Section WEERT. No 9 Section GERMERT. Coy HQ LEENDE. R.E. demonstration was supervised by No 2 Section, being responsible for car parking and security. Thaw warning was received today and thaw operations on all corps routes were enforced. But the measure of success was very small. Very few units knew of these instructions. Names of all units offending were taken and submitted through proper channels.
5   No change in disposition of my company. REs are remaking roads in NEDERWEERT having been damaged by tank movement. The necessary deviations were laid on to assist in their work.
5 1515 Message received from 61 FS Section, 11th Armd Div that a civilian had been seen using a portable wireless set in the WEERT area. All sections warned.
5   Traffic throughout the day was fairly heavy, mainly consisting of 3rd, 15 (S)and 11th Armd Divs maint traffic to FMC 57.
6   No change in the disposition of my company. Rather a severe frost today, covering the roads with ice making traffic movement rather slow. Curfew check was made in HELMOND, curfew being 2300 hrs to 0600 hrs. A civil identity check was made in conjunction with 21st FS Section on the two military bridges in WEERT.
7   No change in the disposition of my company. A search was made for a missing vehicle of 6 Gds Tk Bde (Recovery Section) reported missing since yesterday. Was located at Map Ref. 670050 apparently having been blown up by enemy mine. Danger signs were immediately erected in this area, other mines being visible. Roads were in fair condition, owing to frost. Movement of traffic fairly heavy.
8   No change in the disposition of my company. Cafes & dance halls in HELMOND were checked and found in order. Snow and bad road conditions through the weather slowed traffic considerably, but no hold ups occurred. A cafe at WEERT Bassin No 21 owned by Johanna W. Schuman in WEERT was raided in conjunction with the civil police. A quantity of WD rations were recovered. Action being taken by civil police. Several individual unit moves were made today. Cooperation with the civil police is very good. They always appear eager to assist.
9   No change in the disposition of my company. Snow and ice still on roads and slowed up traffic considerably. Signed a new corps traffic route from BREE to WEERT – NEDERWEERT to bridge at Map Ref. 710039 named “Triangle Up”. Also from Map Ref. 710039 to NEDERWEERT – WEERT – CAULILLE – PETIT BROGEL – EXEL and HECHTEL, named “Triangle Down”. Traffic throughout the day moved smoothly.
10   No change in the disposition of my company. Roads still very icy and slowing up traffic. Movement fairly heavy. An American was checked in HELMOND today, but found to be in order. Out of bounds cafes visited. In order.
LEENDE 11   Disposition of company as follows:
11   No 1 Section HELMOND. No 2 Section HEEZE. No 3 Section Main HQ duties. No 4 Section HELMOND. No 5 Section BUDEL FMC 57. No 6 Section BEEK. No 7 Section NEDERWEERT. No 8 Section WEERT. No 9 Section GEMERT. Roads still very icy and slowing up traffic. No 6 Section now assisting No 1 in patrols in HELMOND. REs still repairing roads in NEDERWEERT. Nothing of importance to report.
12   No change in disposition of my company. Observations being kept on NAAFI canteen and C.A. inland food depot respecting alleged black market activities in cigarettes, chocolate and food. General discipline in corps area good. Road conditions still bad, but traffic moving smoothly.
13   No change in the disposition of my company. An increased amount of RAF traffic to HELMOND airfield now under construction. Traffic moved quite well throughout the day. Road conditions still bad. By placing directional boards giving name places at all X rds & T junctions has found to be of great assistance to the driver who invariably has not got a map. We have now had a painter signwriter attached to the company since Normandy. I strongly advise this to be included in future Provost W.E. The G.1098 equipment in this respect is insufficient. All route signing is now done by signing on made up boards.
14   No change in the disposition of my company. Very few troops in the town of HELMOND today. REs have completed repairs to roads in NEDERWEERT and normal traffic circuits are now working. Roads in fair conditions but still covered with ice. Traffic normal throughout the day. Nothing of importance today.
15   No change in disposition of my company. A check was made in NAAFI canteen in HELMOND today. All persons therein found in order. Roads were very dangerous owing to the winter conditions. The men are standing up to the weather very well in these conditions. Traffic throughout the day was normal. General discipline in HELMOND is quite good.
16   No change in the disposition of my company. Signing in FMC 57 is now complete and all circuits are working smoothly. Traffic for the day was very heavy. The curfew for GEMERT has now been fixed for 2300 hrs. Nothing of importance to report.
LEENDE 17   No change in the disposition of my company. An additional bridge is being constructed in HELMOND, hoped to be completed by the night 18th Jan. 45. A slight thaw set in during the day and most roads are under water, and has speeded up the movement of traffic on main routes. A quantity of HM Forces cigarettes and soap were found in a civilian house in WEERT, having been bought from troops by a civilian, the latter disposing them on the black market. Case still being investigated. Great quantities of English cigarettes are appearing on the Dutch black market.
18   No change in the disposition of the company. Curfew for girls under 21 years old is being ordered by Town Major HELMOND. To be indoors half hour after sunset. Mil. Police to help enforce. Traffic generally was normal. A case of illegal sale of Army blankets at WEERT was investigated.
19   No change in disposition of company. A quantity of W.D. property was discovered in house of civilian at HELMOND & confiscated. Action to follow. Traffic in HELMOND HEEZE MARHEEZE heavy due to move up of 53 Div. Traffic heavy at WEERT.
19 0900 DE BEEMD bridge re-opened at BEEK.
LEENDE 20   No change in the disposition of the company.
20 0800 The company commander, Capt JL Brown proceeded on U.K. leave. Command assumed by Lt D Murphy. Enqrs were continued by No 1 Section re V.D. case at HELMOND (J. van der Linden) and observation kept on other doubtful premises. Traffic was heavy in HELMOND & HEEZE & MARHEEZE. “Thaw” plan was in operation as from 0600 hrs. But by this time it was freezing after a slight snowfall. There were many contraventions of the plan, but as the roads were frozen again, no damage was apparent in the corps area.
21   No 9 Section moved from GEMERT to WEERT. Purpose disciplinary.
LEENDE 21 0600 “Thaw” plan restrictions lifted, weather freezing. Traffic in HELMOND & HEEZE district heavy. BEEK and DONK moderate. Small convoys of 6 Airborne Div were noted in area of WEERT and NEDERWEERT.
22   No 1 Section continued their observation re doubtful premises suspected V.D. Traffic in HELMOND, HEEZE, MARHEEZE area moderate. BEEK & DONK area, heavy.
22 0900 -1100. C in C 21 A Gp visited WEERT. Visit under control 11 Armd Div.
22   Roads are getting clear of ice, and traffic movement becomes less impeded. Actions of troops in WEERT re black market sale of cigarettes adjacent to NAAFI being observed & preventive patrols made by No 9 Section.
LEENDE 23   No change in disposition of company. No 1 Section continues observation re suspected doubtful premises (V.D.) in HELMOND. Traffic heavy in districts HELMOND, HEEZE, WEERT, NEDERWEERT. Moderate at BEEK & DONK. Bridging Coys R.A.S.C. & 6 Airborne Div being particularly noted. Road conditions still improving, though temperature freezing.
23 1230 -2100. NAAFI at WEERT visited by No 9 Section re disorderly conduct & black market activities of troops.
24   No change in disposition of company. At HELMOND expected units of 15 Scott Div were passed through town. A new R.E. bridge was taken into use, east to west, & the old bridge made one way, west to east, due to repairs in road surfaces & [electrical?] apparatus on old bridge, town circuit changed. Traffic in all areas HEEZE, HELMOND, WEERT, NEDERWEERT was heavy. Convoys of 6 Airborne Div were passed through HEEZE to ZOMEREN area WEERT to NEDERWEERT & MEIJEL. No 3 Sec (8 Corps Main H.Q.) engaged in small Tac H.Q, exercise. All main roads practically free of ice.
LEENDE 25   No 6 Section moved from BEEK to ZOMEREN for traffic control duties. Main roads clear of ice, though temperatures consistently remain below freezing point. Traffic heavy on WEERT, NEDERWEERT, HEEZE areas. Convoy 6 Airborne Div noted at WEERT to PANNINGEN.
26   No change in disposition of company. Traffic light to medium on all sectors. The burgomasters son at WEERT was found in possession of W.D. m cycle. Necessary action taken. There was a slight snowfall during afternoon, this was blown off main roads by wind & passage of traffic.
27   Traffic moderate in all sectors. Coy disposition unchanged. Enqrs re V.D. suspects were made at WEERT. First information re posting of seditious literature, apparently communistic, being posted through letter boxes, received. Enqrs & observation to be kept.
LEENDE 28   No change in disposition of company. Arrangements made for convoying of tanks arriving at HELMOND rly stn from HELMOND to GELDROP & EINDHOVEN. Traffic lighter in all sectors. Changeover of bridges being used at WEERT effected, due to alterations & repairs. Quantity of cigarettes & clothing handed in by civil police at ZOMEREN for disposal after court cases finished with. Weather cleared up generally. Freezing wind from East. Roads patchy, hard snow in places.
29   No change in disposition of company. Traffic moderate in all sectors. Roads slowly improving. More goods, tinned meat &c. handed in by No 6 Section SOMEREN, received from civil police there, proceeds of civil cases. An increasing amount of this W.D. property is coming to light. Cooperation between civil & military police is excellent.
LEENDE 30   No change in disposition of the company. A court martial was held at Coy H.Q. against L/Cpl H Smith, fraud & conversion “not guilty”. Several cases of V.D. in local women are being investigated at WEERT & HELMOND. W.D. property in small amounts continues to be recovered in small amounts by & through civil police. The weather has got warmer, signs of thaw evident. Traffic in all sectors lighter than usual. Bridge repairs still operating at WEERT.
31   No change in disposition of the company. Temperature still well above freezing, accompanied by intermittent rain. “Thaw” warning order received and preparations made to enforce same on 1st February. Sections 1 & 9 at HELMOND & WEERT continued their enqrs re V.D. cases and enqrs re other crime carried on from Coy H.Q. Traffic was heavy at WEERT, light in all other sectors. One convoy of Middlesex Regt was noted WEERT to HEEZE & [BOSCH?].

next month

Source: Jeroen Koppes,, transcribing: Hans Houterman.

Disclaimer: This War Diary is based on its original, but typos might be corrected. Locations are calculated, so might not be in the correct place. For historical research, always check the originals.