Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence
Summaries are contained in F.S. Regs., Vol. 1.
and the Staff Manual respectively Title pages
will be prepared in manuscript.

Army Form C.2118
Unit: 3rd R. Tks.
Month and Year: October 1944 (Erase heading not required). Commanding Officer: 1-6: Major N.H. Bourne, D.S.O. 7-.: Lt Col A.W. Brown M.C.
Place Date Hour Summary Reference
WESTERBEEK 1 0600 Recce sec to posn of observation "V" wood.
1 0700 Reveille.
1 0800 C of E Service (Holy Communion).
1 1200 RC Service - local church.Sqns commence individual trg.
1 1800 Lt W.F. Yates leaves for WT Course, Bovington, England.
2 0600 Recce sec to posn of observation "V" wood.
2 0700 Reveille.
2 1000 100 to Mobile Bath, HELMOND.
3 0600 Recce sec to posn of observation "V" wood.
3 0700 Reveille.
3 1400 Sqn parties visit HELMOND for afternoon.
4 0600 Recce sec to "V" wood.
4 0700 Reveille.
4 1930 Party of 75 to ENSA show in HELMOND.
5 0600 Recce sec to "V" wood.
5 0700 Reveille.
5 1500 Party to Mobile Bath, HELMOND.
6 0600 Recce sec to posn of observation "V" wood.
6 0700 Reveille.
6 1100 Major F.I.C. Wetherell to BRUSSELS to interview possible reinforcements.
6 1400 180 to Mobile Bath Unit, HELMOND.
6 1700 CO's conference.
7 0010 Signal received to have Bn ready to move at 1200 hrs to take over area from 7 US Armd Div.
7 0900 Major N.H. Bourne, DSO, to 7 US Armd Div HQ.
7 1000 Lt Col A.W. Brown, MC, arrives to assume command of the Bn.
7 1100 CO and 2IC to 3 MONS HQ, OPLOO, for conference with Brigadier C.B. Harvey, DSO, re take over from Americans.
7 1430 CO and 2IC see American Commanders.
7 1530 Sqn Comds to area to see ground they have to take over.
7 1600 B Sqn take over in area OPLOO.
7 1930 Party of 40 to ENSA show, HELMON.
8 0700 Reveille.
8 0800 C of E Service - Holy Communion.
8 0930 C of E Service.
8 1100 Party to Mobile Baths, HELMOND.
9 0600 C Sqn to NORTH of "fingerwood" 726333.
9 0700 Reveille.
9 1430 Cinema show in Bde HQ. Party of 50 attends.
9 1700 CO's conference. General administration; discussion on harbouring in GERMANY.
10 0700 Reveille.
10 1400 Party of 180 to Mobile Bath Unit, HELMOND.
10 1800 B Sqn take over from C area 726333.
11 0700 Reveille.
11 0930 CO to Bde.
11 1600 29 Armd Bde OO No. 23 received. Order of March - A, Carrier gp, Recce, Tac HQ, B, C. Objectives (1) Area 7923 - VEULEN 7722. (2) AMERIKA - MILLENK.
12 0700 Reveille.
12 1000 Attack by 3 Brit Div commences.
12 1100 Party to Mobile Bath Unit, HELMOND.
12 1400 Party to Cinema show Bde A Ech lines.
12 1700 Futher show.
12 2000 Futher show.
13 0700 Reveille.
13 1100 Party to Bath Unit.
13 1600 CO's conference. Confirming Order of March.
14 0700 Reveille.Possibility of move tomorrow.
14 1200 Mobile baths. HELMOND.
15 0700 Reveille.
15 0900 Received word no move probable before first light tomorrow.
15 0930 C of E Service.
15 1100 Bath Party to HELMOND.
15 1200 RC Service.
15 1230 Signal received ready to move 1200 hrs tomorrow.
16 0700 Reveille.
16 0900 CO to Bde and 3 MONS.
16 1400 Bn commence move to DE RIPS. Raining heavily.
16 1600 Move complete. Orders received to be at immediate notice.
16 1730 No move until first light tomorrow.
16 1900 CO's conference. Intention 3 R Tks and 3 MONS to cut DEURNE - VENRAY road in area 742254. Order of March - A Sqn, B Coy; Carrier gp; Recce Tp; Tac HQ; H Bty; Sc Car,RE; B Sqn, C Coy; Carrier gp; A Coy; C Sqn, D Coy.
17 0500 Reveille.
17 0630 A Sqn moves with B Coy 3 MONS followed by remainder of Bn and MONS in groups at 10 minutes intervals.
17 0830 Fwd elements at 726261.
17 0930 Attack on wood at 731253 begins.
17 1130 Attack on wood at 736247 commences. Both these attacks by A Sqn and B Coy supported by B Sqn and C Coy on right for second attack.
17 1430 B Sqn and C Coy have road covered at 718242.
17 1500 Wood at 741253 still giving trouble, while wood at 741241, SOUTH of road appears to hold anti-tk guns. Reorganisation of 3 MONS coy and further attack planned. On left to clear wood 741253 and gain x-tracks - main road 742242. Wehn this is accomplished it is thought that C Sqn and D Coy would push through to objective 741235.
17 1615 15/19H coming EAST along main DEURNE - VENRAY road spoil attack on wood 741242. Cross track gained without much difficulty.
17 1800 Light failing quickly. RHQ harbour 735247. A - same area, C -560 yds to WEST, B - 728242. Tie up with 1 Sqn of 23H who have cut road at 743242.
735247 18 0530 Reveille. Raining heavily - going bad.
18 0715 LO from Bde. Orders - 3 MONS and 3 R Tks to move to SCHEI 7723.
18 0800 This cannot be done until "pond" wood 7323 is definitely clear.
18 0900 3 MONS patrol wood and report it clear.
18 0915 12 enemy vehs with at least 3 tks in area 746236.
18 1000 These vehs finally reported edge of would 743236. Stonk laid on on this area and also at 751236.
18 1115 C Sqn with D Coy MONS move on CL towards 743236, then turn EAST towards VOULEN 7623.
18 1200 C Sqn reach 752236. A Sqn prepare to move with B Coy to follow C Sqn.
18 1215 As 23H held up suggested A Sqn use main road before turning SOUTH to take NORTH route to SCHEI.
18 1230 A Sqn held ip by 23H who make main road ahead.
18 1300 B Sqn ordered to follow C on original CL.
18 1400 C Sqn having party in VOOLEN 7623.
18 1500 C Sqn come under heavy stonking and have to reorganise with MONS.
18 1600 B Sqn working towards SCHEI from the NORTH.
18 1730 A Sqn ordered to SOUTH side of SCHEI.
18 1830 Posns at SCHEI, A - 774234: C - 775235: B - 770241:-RHQ - 761236.
18 1855 Orders for tomorrow: assist 2 FF Yeo in area 777227 from NORTH. Opposition slight throughout day and about 100 PW pass through.
761236 19 0530 Reveille.
19 0815 LO from 2FF Yeo arrives but has no form.
19 0830 Bde send word that party with 2FF Yeo is off.
19 0900 Brigadier and HM arrive. Observation EAST and SOUTH has to be kept without becoming involved, particularly area of factory at 777228. A Sqn have recce good posns to observe the area, and throughout day report constant movement. Stonks brought down on the whole of the area. At last light appreciated that possibly coy strength dug in that area. Heavy enemy mortar, incl nebelwerefer, fire experienced during day, but some of these positions were silenced.
761236 20 0530 Reveille.
20 1430 Party of 50 to Cinema show in Bde area.
20 1900 Party of 25 to same show.A Sqn continued in observation throughout the day. Enemy movement continued. Some AP and MG fire was reported. It was thought that the AP fire came from a tk or SP gun, which remained unlocated. Enemy shelling heavier than yesterday.
761236 21 0530 Reveille.
21 0930 CO to conference at BDE,
21 1100 2IC and DAAQMG to HELMOND to recce area for Rest Centre.
21 1400 CO's conference. Bn to move one third at a time to HELMOND for period of five days rest.
21 1500 Adv party consisting of 2IC, Major J.D. Dunlop & Capt A.M. Dixon moves off.
21 1600 First party moves. A Sqn keeps observation throughout day and continue to report considerable enemy movement in factory area.3 MONS move from this area to DEURNE. Coy of 8RB takes over.
761236 22 0530 Reveille.
22 1100 First enemy movemet seen in area 780229.
22 1400 Futher enemy movement seen at 782236. Target engage by RA.
22 1600 Further starting up in area thought to be 782245. Enemy arty fire reasonably heavy during day.
22 1630 Capt H.G. Stubbs, MC, MM. wounded and evacuated.
761236 23 0530 Reveille.
23 1430 CO to GRAVE for demonstration.A Sqn sitrep covering day's observations.:-
23 0710 Factory and chimney rpt completely destroyed.
23   0715-0915 Occasional shelling and MG fire to SW at 781226.
23 1215 MET heard approaching from centre of wood.
23 1300 Heavy medium stonk brought down on area. Shelling removed camouflage and brought to light concrete building running along front edge of wood. Target recorded.
23 1820 Hy mortaring - 6 mortar bombs fall in A Sqn area.
23 1835 Four more fall. Stonk put down on 782231"
761236 24 0530 Reveille. A Sqn sitrep:-
24 0755 "Moaning Minnies" heard on EAST of wood - Brew up seen 200 yds SE of wood.
24 1020 1 AP from SW to NE across factory area front.
24 1115 Spandau fire in ara EAST of factory.
24 1135 MMG, rifle and mortar fire on bearing 119 deg.
24 1527 Two mortars on roof of OP, 12 drop in area.
24 1720 3 x 105mm on bearing 143 deg grid.
24 1722 Same guns fire again.
24 1820 Mortars fall in barn area.
24 1855 Minnies again. Enemy arty and mortars more aggressive today.
761236 25 0530 Reveille.
25 1500 30 ORs to cinema show at Bde.A Sqn sitrep:-
25 0620 Haystacks EAST of Crucufix (782235) burning caused by mortar fire from NW to NORTH.
25 0835 Bow mines found area 771229.
25 1215 Stonk brought to bear on enemy digging at area 779231.
25 1415 Slight enemy movement.
25   Movement observed until last light in facory area, wood and house area - 781226. Enemy shelling continued throughout day.
761236 26 0530 Reveille.
26 1500 10 ORs to film show at Bde HQ.
26 1530 First Rest party returns.
26 1600 Second rest party leaves for HELMOND. Major N.H. Bourne, DSO, assumes command during absence on duty of Lt Col A.W. Brown, MC.A Sqn sitrep:-
26 0300 Small enemy attack on farm building at 778324 with rifle, MMG, grenades and mortars. No casualties.
26 0925 New digging observed at 780227.
26 1015 Bosche seen digging at 780226.
26   1200 to 1700. Number of stonks brought down on enemy posns. In return Minnies and hy mortars received.
26 2030 Leading pl of inf report number of vehs moving EAST towards wood area.
761236 27 0545 Reveille.
27 0600 Net.A Sqn sitrep:-
27 1245 Spandau fire in short bursts from ESE direction.
27   1300 – 1400. 81mm mortar bombs fall in general area. No cas reported.
27 1400 Inf pl supported by REs enter houses at 779234 and set booby traps.They withdrew successfully at 1500 hrs.Civilians seen moving from SW to NE in front of rectangle wood.Appreciated that enemy evacuating civilians. Civilians in A Sqn area are evacuated by 1630 hrs. No civs left forward of locality. At last light Spandau fire incl tracer from factory area.
27   In view of enemy infiltration on flanks last night, extra guards posted. Crews dismount and man slit trenches as inf. Almost 100% stand to from 1800 hrs to 280630A hrs.
761236 28 0545 Reveille..
28 1000 Visit from D&M and Gunnery circus under Major Cashmore and Capt Beate. Enemy movement on A Sqn front continued throughout day. Enemy stonking remains on a fairly high scale.
29 0545 Reveille.
29 0800 Holy Communion.
29 1100 C of E Service held in barn.
29 1100 RC Service held in Bde area.Enemy reported to have entered MEIJEL and LEISEL. Rest to be recalled tomorrow morning. Div now fully operational.Enemy activity continues on A Sqn front.
30 0545 Reveille.
30 0830 Rest Party returns from HELMOND.Enemy situation on MEIJEL, LEISEL front has improved. Not thought likely that unit will move.
31 0545 Reveille
31 1415 CO to Bde conference.
31 1600 CO's conference. General situation well in hand. Still possibility of GERMAN attack to enlarge his br head. A Sqn will move to area 756232 as a counter attack force.A Sqn have a comparitively quiet day, although enemy shelling continues.

Disclaimer: This War Diary is based on its original, but typos might be corrected. For historical research, always check the originals.