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Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence Summaries are contained in F.S. Regs., Vol. 1. and the Staff Manual respectively Title pages will be prepared in manuscript.

Army Form C.2118
Unit: 15(S) Recce Regt.
Month and Year: November 1944 (Erase heading not required). Commanding Officer:
Place Date Hour Summary Reference
B.L.A. 1   Locations : RHQ ZOMEREN (Holland Sh 26 NE 1/25,000, MR 598107)
'A'Sqn Concentrated for night OMMEL 6115
'C'Sqn HEUSDEN 6212
In the morning 'A' Sqn relieved 'B' Sqn in the NIEWWE PAROCHIE area, and took over the posn at the sch, on the bdy between 15 (S) Div and 7 US Armd Div. One tp held this posn and the remainder of the Sqn was available for patrolling if necessary. 'B' Sqn moved up to the area S of HEUSDEN and remained at rest the whole day. 'C' Sqn were to patrol down the LIESEL – MEIJEL Axis in front of 46 Bde. During the day a call was made on 'A' Sqn for patrols who were to patrol in the area S of the HLI posn, one Tp of 'B' Sqn was put under comd 'A' Sqn to assist them in this patrolling. Patrolling was carried out in this area and in front of 44 Bde posns from WEST to EAST, that is towards LIESEL - MOOSDIJK rd. Generally infm was good; a number of mines and mined areas being discovered and enemy posns pin-pointed at a number of places. A posn of about pl strength discovered at Pt 283 (6507) yesterday, was again investigated prior to an attack by 2 A & SH. During the day the patrol of 'A' Sqn spotted a Panther and acted as OP while Med arty stonked it. A definite hit is not claimed but no further movement was seen from the tank. 'C' Sqn carried out their task in front of 46 Bde, pinpointing two 75mm guns and various inf posns. Mines were also discovered, mostly in the verges and on the tracks leading to the main rd. Later in the afternoon 'A' Sqn reported that their posn at the sch on the inter-allied bdy was engaged by some enemy NBWs and SP guns. A request to Div for arty sup was refused on the grounds that the enemy were over Div bdy. However, a rep was sent to contact the US fmn on our right who were very helpful and used their guns to good effect. At about 1800 hrs 227 Bde enquired if we were holding the posn in the woods S of the HLI (which we had held last night). As the Argylls had attacked during the day towards the pimple (Pt 283) it had not been considered necessary for the Regt to hold the wood posn, but as an insurance 'B' Sqn took over these posns in the dark.

Source: The War Diaries of the 15th (Scottish) Infantry Division June 1944 - May 1945.

Disclaimer: This War Diary is based on its original, but typos might be corrected. Locations are calculated, so might not be in the correct place. For historical research, always check the originals.