Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence
Summaries are contained in F.S. Regs., Vol. 1.
and the Staff Manual respectively Title pages
will be prepared in manuscript.

Army Form C.2118
Unit: 6th Battalion The Durham Light Infantry
Month and Year: August 1944 (Erase heading not required). Commanding Officer: Lt. Col. A.E. Green
Place Date Hour Summary Reference
24   […] The afternoon was spent in general cleaning up and baths were provided at “A” Ech.
24 1730 C.Os. 'O' Group - Advance Party to be prepared to move at daybreak tomorrow.
24 2300 Message received that move of Battalion was postponed until further orders.
25   No move today. Time spent in general recreation.
25   47 Reinforcements expected but did not arrive.
25 2100 Warning Order received to move at 0500 hours tomorrow.
25   Tactical Advance Party cancelled and original recce party substituted. No supporting arms with Battalions. Destination - PACY SUR EURE 3665.
Ref: Map 1/100,000 LOUVIERSEVREUX 26 0500 Advance Recce Party left.
26 0526 Main Body crossed Start Line, Order of March: 149 Field Ambulance: Headquarters 151 (Durham) Infantry Brigade: 6th - 8th - 9th Durham Light Infantry.
26 0830 Arrived new area PACY SUR EURE 3665.
26 1400 Approximately 6 German aircraft appeared North of our position, believed straffing, and one of our Artillery Air Recconnaissance Planes was shot down. Our AA fire was intense but no results were observed.
26 2100 News received that BULGARIA had declared herself Neutral and was disarming and interning German troops entering from ROUMANIA.
26   The weather today was excellent and the RAF took good advantage of it.
26   Since our arrival the noise of Artillery fire has been audible to the North East of our area.
27   After another very wet night the day turned out to be very sunny and dry. Church parades were held in the morning. The opportunity was also taken to assemble a Field General Court Martial for the trial of several cases which had been pending.
27 1400 HQ Company went out on a route march.
28   The weather cleared after night of thunderstorm, and training was carried out under Coy arrangements.
28 1330 2 Officers and 116 O.Rs. arrived from 10 and 11 DLI as reinforcements.
28   The officers were Capt. C. Harrison and Lieut. S. Seggie.
28 1500 C.O. at Bde Conference.
28 1800 C.Os. Conference – Probable stay in this area – 48 hours. New Plan – 30 Corps to consist of 2 Recce Regts, 2 Armoured Division, 1 Armoured Bde, 50 Division all directed on AMIENS. On left would be 12 Corps consisting of 7 Armoured Division, 43 Division (when finished making bridgehead over River SEINE). The Canadian Forces would advance and deal with the Flying Bomb Sights.
28   Today, 8 Armoured Bde passed through 43 Division. Tomorrow, 231 Bde would go through 43 Division, then 11 Armoured Division through 231 Bde followed by the Guards Armoured Division, and then 50 Division. Our task again would be to protect left flank of 11 Armoured Division.
28   "A" Coy was once again reformed with Capt. D.M. Corbett in Command.
Ref: Map 1/100,000 Sht 9E NEUF CHATEL – ROUEN 29 1030 Warning Order received to move at 1700 hours.
29   Weather again very wet after a good night.
29   Capt. D.M. Corbett assumed Command of "A" Coy.
29   Capt. G. Harrison assumed Command of A/Tk Pl.
29   Capt. R.J. Bennett assumed 2 i/c "C" Coy.
29   Capt. W.T.A. Davey assumed 2 i/c "B" Coy.
29 1400 Battalion 'O' Group. Battalion to move to area of HEUBECOURT 4978 on other side of River SEINE.
29 1900 Battalion arrived area HEUBECOURT 499783.
29   C.O. was called to Bde and given orders that the Battalion would move to area TOURNY 4983 and take up defence positions around the village.
29 2030 Recce Party moved off.
29 2100 Battalion moved off.
29 2130 Recce Party arrived in new area.
29 2145 Battalion arrived in new area. Locations:- Bn HQ 496833, "A" Coy 500844, "B" Coy 486836, "C" Coy 492826, "D" Coy 492847.
29 2245 Battalion 'O' Group - Tomorrow Coys would move forward in bounds as part of left flank protection to the Armour.
30 0915 Recce Group moved off to area GUITRY 4986.
30 0945 Battalion moved off.
30 0935 Recce Group arrived in new area.
30 1015 Battalion arrived in new area. "D" Coy moved on to MOUFLAINES 9050, "D" Coy passed through to LE THIL EN VEXIN, "A" Coy passed through to DOUDEAUVILLE 5498. Bn HQ remained in HACQEVILLE 508942.
30 1300 12 P.Ws. taken by "B" Coy in LE THIL EN VEXIN.
30 1415 1 P.W. taken by "A" Coy.
30 1615 -1935. Bn HQ moved up to DOUDEAUVILLE, and as Coys moved forward Bn HQ again moved to LE MESNIL SOUS VIENNE 601048.
30   The enemy were reported to be in LE FORET DE LYONS, but on a search being made by "B" Coy nothing was found.
30   Location:- "A" Coy 5904, "B" Coy 6208, "C" Coy 6410, "D" Coy 6006.
30   On the way up to this area, the I.O. Lieut. R.C. Patterson was handed – at LONGCHAMPS 5602 – two letters by a Flight Sgt Brown who had come down in the area on 8 July 44: He wished them to be censored and sent to his relatives in England. The Flight Sgt had been very well looked after by a French family and well supplied with food and cigarettes through the Resistance Movement. He was full of high praise for the Army boys, a great tribute from the R.A.F.!!!
Ref: Map Sht 14 AMIENS 31 0830 Battalion 'O' Group. Battalion to move on again in support of Armour.
31   AMIENS being our objective, and our task to defend bridges there on the SOMME. The Battalion concentrated at LES FLAMMANTS 6208.
31 1045 The Battalion moved off with "B" Coy in the lead.
31   The route taken was LES FLAMANTS – NEUFMARCHE 6308 – ST GERMER 6810 – SENANTES 7315 – HANVOILE 7617 – CRILLON 8018 – BEAUDENUE 9135 – FLEURY 9541 – DURY 0752.
31   En route it was noticed that the Maquis were out in numbers clearing woods and shots were very frequently heard. When we entered CONTY 9841 there a small battle going on in wood between the enemy and the Maquis. "C" Coy was directed by the C.O. to lend a hand. Later a party of approx 50 enemy were seen marching towards the main road bearing a white flag.
31   Further orders were received by the C.O. to go forward to AMIENS.
31 1610 The Battalion continued on its journey to AMIENS.
31 1720 Arrived area DURY to concentrate at 083545.
31   News received that 7th German Army Commander. Gen Von Hauser, had been captured in AMIENS.
31 1915 Six enemy shells landed 700 yds West of Bn HQ. Casualties were 1 O.R. killed and 6 wounded.
31   C.O. went forward to arrange the taking over from 51 Bde which was already in AMIENS. With Coy Commanders he also made a reconnaissance of the area to be taken over by Coys.
31 2055 Bn HQ established at 104577. "B" and "D" Coys took over the defence of the main bridge, their locations being 106587 and 614585 respectively. "A" and "C" Coys were in reserve with "A" Coy at 610576 and "C" Coy at 603581.
31   A tremendous reception was given us by the civilians as we entered the City. Apparently the enemy had just moved out that morning at 0700 hours, but approx 100 were still holding out in the Citadel. They however surrendered after we shelled the Citadel.
31   The Maquis and French Police seemed to enjoy helping our C.M.Ps. to march the prisoners through the streets. The prisoners were a motley collection of Mongols, Russians, Turks etc and all looked pretty well down-trodden.
31   A column of collaborators were seen being marched by the Maquis through the streets to have their heads shaved, most being famales both young and old.
31   Capt. I.A. Daw MC and his Carrier Pl were given the task of guarding the P.W. Cage at BUYON 0449.
31   Total Casualties for the month were:-
31   Officers killed 3, wounded 11 (of whom 1 died)
31   Other Ranks killed 23, wounded 88 (of whom 6 later died), missing 6.

Disclaimer: This War Diary is based on its original, but typos might be corrected. For historical research, always check the originals.