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Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence Summaries are contained in F.S. Regs., Vol. 1. and the Staff Manual respectively Title pages will be prepared in manuscript.

Army Form C.2118
Unit: 152nd Infantry Brigade
Month and Year: October 1944 (Erase heading not required). Commanding Officer: Brig. A.J.H. Cassels, CBE, DSO.
Place Date Hour Summary Reference
UDENHOUT AREA 28   7 Armd Div adv cautiously Westwards but were unable to dislodge enemy from LOON OP ZAND 1540. The presence of the enemy here appeared to disconcert 7 Armd Div somewhat and 51 (H) Div was asked to cope with them. 152 Bde role in attack on LOON OP ZAND was to attack due North about 1500 yds to the East of the town as far as 41 Northing then pass through one bn to cut the road running North from LOON OP ZAND through HORST 1443. At an O Gp at 1115 hrs this general plan was given concrete shape and dimensions. Bde Comd ordered a two bn attack 5 Seaforth right directed on area 179408 with zone of exploitation East thereof and 2 Seaforth left directed on gen area 169414 with zone of exploitation to North and Ne. 5 Camerons were to pass through 2 Seaforth and est themselves on said rd between 41 & 42 Northings. This was phase II. 'H' hour for op was fixed for 151 hrs. The preliminary moves to get assaulting bns on to their respective Sls were effected. The attack was started and at first bns reported everything going well. 5 Seaforth kept on going well and by 1700 hrs were on final objective taking on the way there some 70 Pw and two A Tk guns. 2 Seaforth attack slowed down owing to close country and difficulty in maintaining contact. By 1630 hrs 2 Seaforth had two coys on first objective and the remaining two coys had passed through them. These two coys soon got out of touch with bn and no progress could be had from them. Bde Comd asked 2 Seaforth to make all possible speed in order to allow of 5 Camerons being passed through with as much daylight in hand as possible. The country in front of 2 Seaforth proved to be too thick to permit of quick progress and darkness fell without their being est on final objective and indeed with a mild confusion as to exactly where fwd coys had reached. Bde Comd accordingly postponed attack by 5 Camerons until first light 29 Oct with the additional rider that the attack would not start without his express orders. This was done in consultation with Goc 51 (H) Div. 2 Seaforth did not reach final objective but finished up some four hundred yards South of it. 5 Seaforth meanwhile exploited and cleared as far East as 217411. 5 Camerons moved to HOLENSTRAAT 174398 during attack by 2 & 5 Seaforth. Appx I - 4

Source: Jeroen Koppes,, transcribing: Pim van Gelder.

Disclaimer: This War Diary is based on its original, but typos might be corrected. Locations are calculated, so might not be in the correct place. For historical research, always check the originals.