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Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence Summaries are contained in F.S. Regs., Vol. 1. and the Staff Manual respectively Title pages will be prepared in manuscript.

Army Form C.2118
Unit: 15th/19th Hussars
Month and Year: September 1944 (Erase heading not required). Commanding Officer: Lt Col A.D. Taylor, MC.
Place Date Hour Summary Reference
Holland 20   (B) Tuesday 19th Sept:- Sqn Leader plus 3rd and 4th troops plus Cpl Hunter took up posn East of GELDROP and then moved Eastwards towards HELMOND to support American inf clearing woods as far as MIERLO 5418. MIERLO was reached without opposition and orders were received to return to GELDROP and remain in posn there to prevent enemy approaching EINDHOVEN from the East. A patrol of Royals was under comd. At approx 1900hrs orders were received to move to TONGELRE 4619 and to take up posn for the night covering roads to North and East. One Bn from 506 Para Regt also arrived in TONGELRE about midnight. No acivity during the night except for flares dropped near before the raid on EINDHOVEN. About 2000hrs there was a heavy air raid on EINDHOVEN. Two petrol lorries and one ammunition lorry of the Sqn were drawn up on the road ready to move out to replenish the tks when flares were dropped followed by a bomb which hit the ammunition lorry. All three lorries were set on fire and the fitters half-track and 15 cwt was lost. Considerable resourse and courage was shown by S QMS Pricemand Trooper White in moving the burning lorries. No. 7900066 L/Cpl Harrison F and no. 550978 Tpr Wain W were killed in the raid and no. 7916054 Cpl Kingston E was wounded.
Wednesday Sept 20th:- At approx 0600hrs the Royals patrol was sent fwd to NUNEN 4623 and reported two enemy S.P. guns South of the village on the road. There were civilian reports of enemy tks and inf and sounds of tks moving in the area. A patrol of American inf went fwd under their own orders to try to deal with these but withdrew when the S.P.'s fired. 44th Tks sent to deal with NUNEN about 0930hrs. Troops under Sqn Leader consisted of 2nd, 4th - part of American Inf Coy and Patrol of Royals. Orders received to move to GELDROP about 1130hrs to protect EINDHOVEN from the East. 2nd Troop and Cpl Hunter and a patrol of the Royals sent to help Capt Weatherby about 1400hrs. Remainder stayed in position West of GELDROP till ordered to move back to EINDHOVEN about 1700hrs. The whole Sqn then moved to harbour for the night South West from EINDHOVEN. The following day position was taken up North East of EINDHOVEN to protect the centre line from the East and this position was later adjusted to protect the Regt1 transport moving South East to GELDROP and later to deal with an expected Armd Counter attack from the east which did not develope. The Sqn later moved to harbour with the Regt South West of GELDROP.

Source: Jeroen Koppes,, transcribing: Mia Litjens.

Disclaimer: This War Diary is based on its original, but typos might be corrected. Locations are calculated, so might not be in the correct place. For historical research, always check the originals.