Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence Summaries are contained in F.S. Regs., Vol. 1. and the Staff Manual respectively Title pages will be prepared in manuscript. |
Army Form C.2118 |
Unit: 1st Bn The Herefordshire Regt. | ||
Month and Year: September 1944 | (Erase heading not required). | Commanding Officer: Lt. Col. G.R. Turner Cain. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary | Reference |
AMIENS | 1 | 11 Armd Div to continue adv to Arras. | ||
1 | 1030 | Bn moved fwd. 29 Armd Bde leading. | ||
1 | 1720 | Arrived south of Anbigny west of Arras still no oposition; | ||
AUBIGNY | 2 | 0930 | Adv continued. | |
2 | 1130 | Bn arrived Souchez 4610 and pivoted on Vimy ridge. | ||
3 | 0845 | Comenced adv to Antwerp, 29 Armd Bde leading. | ||
SOUCHEZ | 3 | 1030 | Colm halted 5?17 Enemy 800 strong reported area 5725 moving east. 29 Armd Bde engaging them. | |
3 | 1230 | Adv continued despite more and more rumours from F&F.I. of enemy colms.Those on our route were dealt with, othes left to follow up fmas. | ||
3 | 1830 | Bn crossed Belgium frontier S.E. of Roubaix 8339. Adv continued through the night. Terrific welcome received in every village. | ||
4 | 0615 | Bn halted for two hours at Alest 4064.Orders recieved Armd Bde with KSLI and Mons to move forward and clear Antwerp.1st Herefords with in sup 15/19 H to protect left flank. Bn formed coys gps to cover left flank and Div C.L. and prevent enemy colms crossing river Dendre. | ||
4 | 1400 | Armd Bde reported 5 enemy coys surrendered. 1 Herefords to move fwd to line of forts south of Antwerp. | ||
ANTWERP | 4 | 1850 | Arrived outskirts ANTWERP, B area 6692. Enemy holding out in small pockets.Bn to clear area south of town 6793 | |
4 | 1950 | Operation commenced. Very slow. Thick woods and houses rended 16 sets quite useless, after 2015 hrs even at close range. | ||
5 | 0030 | All coys returned. Enemy A.A. site located and patrol 40 strong engaged, which withdrew after suffering casualties. Own cas 1 killed 2 wounded. (The Patrol leader ?? 1 died 2 days later) | ||
5 | 0845 | Bn moved fwd with 2 coys up to clear forts on south and east side of city.Forts used by Germans to store amn and flour. ?? | ||
5 | 1315 | No opposition met and Bn est in area 6893. | ||
5 | 2015 | Infm. Germans have blown brs over Albert Canal. K.S.L.I. dressing canal and est br head area Morxen 7199 tonight. Hereford's to cross on orders, area 7298. 3 Mons to through K.S.L.I. | ||
6 | 0405 | K.S.L.I. across canal. "C" Coy 1st Hereford's move fwd to occupy bridges 699979 and 707962. | ||
6 | 1100 | Infm. Oppositionn considered too strong. A Brigade of 50 Div moving in to relieve 159 Brigade. K.S.L.I. under fire throughout the day. | ||
7 | 0800 | Orders prepared for the relief of 4th K.S.L.I. by 1 Hfds, supported by tanks passing through new br -hd. to be captured by 3rd Mons at 6999. Mons br-hd consisted of 2 pls 150 yds in front of defile caused by bridge over canal.This defils covered from both flanks and centre by M.G. Mortars, and A.A. | ||
7 | 1100 | Order for Hfds to attack cancelled, as br- hd was not sufficiently large enough. Bn. returned to own location 6893. | ||
7 | 2000 | Bn. moved to new location S.W. of the town, in Fort area 6594. 231 Bde. of 50 Div. Taking over pos'n in North of town. | ||
8 | Bn. now in semi-rest area at 2 hrs notice. Carrying on with maintenance, but prepared to provide mobil colm of 2 Coy's with supporting weapons at ½ hr notice. Carrier pl. maintaining patrols every 2 hrs to Holobken 6292. | |||
8 | 1825 | Carrier patrol located enemy posn with L.M.G's and 20m.m. cannons with C.P. in area factory, west of River 623933. Enemy also firing on "B" Coy, from area 662963. | ||
9 | 11. Armd Div. to move over to right flank. Bn. under command 29th Armd Bde. | |||
9 | 1015 | Bn. commenced move. | ||
9 | 1700 | Crossed over Albert Canal at Beeringen. 234751 over a class 40 br. | ||
9 | 1815 | Arrived area Helohteren 3475 and contacted Fife & Forfar with whom we were to pivot for the night. Village reported held and Coy's despatched to clear, "A" Coy to North, "B" Coy to S.W. "C" Coy to South. "D" Coy to N.E.A & C Coys little or no opposition and in posn by 2030 hrs. B. Coy clearing with 1 pl. woods in their locality came under heavy M.G. fire and were pinned down until dark. Coy Commander and 1. O.R. killed. D. Coy met main opposition.Houses on rd, running N.E. held by 2 pls and windmaill 150 yds clear of village held by futher pl. All posns stongly organized and covered by futher enemy posns. in woods to N.E. & S.E. Heavy casualties among leaders and very slow work clearing house by house. Innumerable exemple of extreme gallantry by Coy and Sect Comds. Houses and windmill area cleared by dark though close contact with enemy still retained by D, C, & B Coy's | ||
HELCHTEREN | 10 | Gds Armd Div putting in attack northwards at 0900 hrs. 11th Armd Div to give right flank protection. 29th Armd Bde leading, followed by 159 Inf Bde.1 Hfds in support of 2 F & F Y. Village of HELCHTEREN to cleared by 0830 for 29th Armd to pass through. | ||
10 | 0830 | Commenced to move fwd | ||
10 | 1200 | Encounter battle South of Hechtel 3578 (see appx A attached) | ||
10 | 1800 | A Coy and A Sqn F.& F Y commenced clearing Heenrik 3783 supported by "D" Coy and "B" Sqn from South. Approx 60 P.W's tanken from village. Remainder Bn. Sp. moved into pivot at 2100 hrs. "C" Coy & "C" Sqn held off the enemy from Nechtel area. | ||
Koenrik | 11 | 0830 | Bn moved fwd to Peer 4184 "A" & "B" Coy's with "A" & "C" Sqns cleared village and took up posn East. 1 Coy following up delayed by br at 394349 collapsing 1 Coy remained in posn in Hoenrik protecting soft vehs. The 2 fwd Coy's met slight resistance 20 P.W's taken. | |
11 | 1400 | Coy's in posn East of village. | ||
11 | 2000 | Remainderder of Bn arrived Peer. | ||
PEER | 12 | Adv halted to enable supplies to be brought fwd. Bn providing 1 Coy with Sup arms at ½ hrs notice. Remainder of Bn. engaged on Admin & maintenance. | ||
13 | Regrouping. 1st Hfds revert to comd of 159 Inf Bde. | |||
13 | 1800 | Reinforcements Arrived total 31. R.A.S.C. personnel will replace Bn specialists | ||
14 | 1100 | 30th Corps Comd visited Bn. Introduced to Offrs and spoke to reps of all Coys.Paid high compliments to the Inf of 159 Bde which he said made the 11th Armd Div the finest he has ever comd. | ||
14 | 1230 | Enemy dropped a few Mortar bombs in the village area. Cas, 1 O.R. wounded. Bn. church parade in progress at the time had to be closed prematurely | ||
14 | 1900 | "A" Coy proceeded to Bree 5235, Enemy had been reported to be entering the village at right and shooting up the inhabitants. | ||
15 | 0600 | "A" Coy returned. No enemy activity during the night. Bn at ½ hrs notice as corps reserve. | ||
15 | 1400 | Further reinforcements arrived total 26 | ||
15 | 1900 | "A" Coy again proceeded to Bree. Enemy reported by Inns of Court patrol this afternoon in that area."A" Troop of 46th Med. Regt R.A. in sup of "A" Coy. | ||
16 | 0500 | "A" Returned again. No enemy activity | ||
16 | 1200 | 11th Armd Div reverts to comd of 8th Corps. | ||
16 | 1400 | Reinforcements total 5 Offrs (1 Major, 2 Lt's & 2 2nd Lt's) arrived at Major departed later. | ||
17 | Change over to zone "A" time. | |||
17 | 1800 | Further reinforcements arrived, Total 3 Offs (2 Capt 1 Lt) | ||
19 | 1200 | 1st Herefordshire Regt under command 29 Armd Bde.Coy 16 cwt W/T trucks replaced by carrier Universal modified to take 19 Set.Order recieved to continue advance north passing through 50 Div br head over Esacault Canal | ||
19 | 1400 | Bn commenced to move fwd with, in support F and F Yeo. Leading coy rode on tks. | ||
19 | 1800 | Crossed Escault Canal at De.groote Barrier 355961. | ||
19 | 1815 | Crossed Dutch frontier at 3699. | ||
19 | 1930 | Bn pivoted in area south of Valkenswaard 4007. Enemy were reported to have cut Div C.L. approx 2 miles N of Valkenswaard. | ||
VALKENSWAARD | 20 | 0700 | Bn moved out to sweep south clearing enemy Bypassed yesterday. Coy's moving fwd on tks. D Coy and Carrier pl, less one section remained as protection for soft vehicles. | |
20 | 1000 | Route reported clear. Soft vehicles comenced to move fwd.First contact made with enemy at Leend 4807. C Coy cleared and took 5 P/Ws.Adv cont and enemy again pumped and cleared in Heeze 4911 after stiff fight by C Coy.B Coy & B Sqn F&F then ordered to seize br over Willems Canal area Zomeren 6012.Br was found to be covered by fixed lines of M.G. and A/Tk fire. | ||
ZOMEREN | 21 | 0015 | B Coy put in attack supported by Arty but enemy blew the br when barrage commenced.Coy withdrew and occupied a posn 500 yds W of br and remainder of Bn formed pivot area 5811. | |
21 | 0600 | C Coy and 2 Sqns tks moved to recce and capture Boomen br 3815. Br was found to be blown. | ||
21 | 1400 | Bn under comd 159 Inf Bde. Orders issued for crossing canal tonight area 602128,with Arty sup.Object to est br head 500 yds perimeter. When consolidated R.E. to build Class 40 br for K.S.L.I. and F&F to pass over at first light and capture Aston 6113, Zero hr 1930 hrs. | ||
21 | 1830 | Bn H.Q. moved fwd and est W of canal 598127. | ||
21 | 1930 | Arty barrage commenced, A & D assaulting coys moved fwd. Crossing unopposed and C Coy crossed over with only occasianal enemy M.G. fire which could not be definately located. | ||
21 | 2100 | R.E. commanded Class 40 br. | ||
22 | 0200 | Enemy strongly counter attacked from Aston for three hours. Succeeded in infiltrating into fwd pl posn. Bn H.Q. also subjected to heavy mortar fire and casualties inflicted.Heavy Arty fire was brought down and attacks were held and br completed on time, enemy suffering very heavy casualties. | ||
22 | 0445 | Coy K.S.L.I. moved fwd to est firm base West of canal area of br. | ||
22 | 0530 | Br completed. | ||
22 | 0700 | K.S.L.I. and tks commenced to pass through with arty sup to capture Asten. | ||
22 | 0800 | 90 enemy dead and considerable esquipement reported by fwd coys around br head. | ||
22 | 0930 | Bn HQ area mortared by Nebelwerfers and fm buildings beings used by unit Med Offr and Fb Amb unit were set on fire. | ||
22 | 1530 | Enemy force of coy strenght with A.F.Vs reported approaching from S.E.Later reported broken up by tanks and arty fire.Total cas for River Crossing operation 25 killed and 35 wounded. | ||
22 | 2000 | Enemy attemps at infiltration from South along canal bank were all held by D coy. | ||
ZOMEREN. | 23 | 0730 | D coy cleared East bank of canal with tp 15/19 H. P/Ws brought in total 20.Identification Fallschim Jager Regt HUSNER.29 Armd Bde passed through to capture DEURNE 6520. 3 Brit Div to take over br posn. | |
24 | 1400 | Orders received Bn to move to area N.E. Vlierden 6217. | ||
24 | 1515 | Recce parties left. | ||
24 | 1830 | Bn commenced move fwd and 2 K.S.L.I. (3 Div) moved in. | ||
VLIERDEN. | 24 | 2000 | Bn formed pivot area 6218. | |
25 | 0700 | Orders received Bn to move to clear Helmond 5622. Wood 6120 to be cleared en route. In sup 15/19H. | ||
25 | 0900 | Bn moved fwd.Coy patrols reported Wood clear of enemy and Bn received orders to move fwd and clear Helmond which was reported to be held by small pockets of enemy in the factory. | ||
25 | 1100 | No enemy found in Helmond and Bn moved N.E. to clear Wood 5822 | ||
25 | 1230 | Commenced to clear wood with two coys. | ||
25 | 1430 | Wood reported clear and two P/Ws tanken. | ||
25 | 1500 | Orders received to move behind F&F Yeo to pivot in area West of Heide Van Oploo 6633. | ||
25 | 2000 | Arrived posn. | ||
HEIDE VAN OPLOO. | 26 | 1245 | Reece parties left for new location North of St Anthonis. 7138. | |
26 | 1430 | Bn moved fwd. | ||
26 | 1530 | Arrived and formed pivot area 7040. | ||
26 | 1930 | A C Coy (It was 14 Pl "C" Coy in TCV driver by Dvr Spatswood (Spathy) RASC) provided recce patrol of one Pl on Mass river 765430. Enemy patrols located. | ||
N.E. of St.ANTHONIS. | 27 | 0300 | A Coy move out to area S.W. of Beugen 7412. One pl with O.P. est at Beugen to observe enemy activity E of River Maas. | Lt.Col.Comd 1st Bn The Herefordshire Regt. |
27 | 1830 | B Coy relieve A Coy. Personnel from Bn H.Q. occupied B Coy fwd pl posn until arrival of A Coy. | ||
27 | 1900 | Coy sent out fighting patrols every two hrs. Patrols from B Coy report no activity during night. | ||
28 | 1830 | D Coy relieves B Coy. Nil reports by patrols. | ||
29 | 1730 | Orders recieved to move to Handel tomorrow. | ||
30 | 0845 | Bn moved to Handel 5833 after relief by U.S.Forces in coy groups at half hrs interval. | ||
30 | 1200 | Bn H.Q. est at 599332 all coys in civilian billets. | ||
30 | Turner Cain Lt. Col.Commanding Officer.1st Bn. The Herefordshire Regiment. |
Disclaimer: This War Diary is based on its original, but typos might be corrected. For historical research, always check the originals.