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Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence Summaries are contained in F.S. Regs., Vol. 1. and the Staff Manual respectively Title pages will be prepared in manuscript.

Army Form C.2118
Unit: 2nd Bn The Glasgow Highlanders
Month and Year: November 1944 (Erase heading not required). Commanding Officer: Maj. J.C. Davies MC TD
Place Date Hour Summary Reference
LIESEL 1 1000 BN returns under command 46 Bde. Move to village of LIESEL 6614. Bn in harbour. App A
1   1700 hrs return to command 44 Bde - O Gp 1730.
1   Cas - 3 wounded from shelling.
2 0815 Bn left LIESEL and attacked SE - West of Road. C Coy right D Coy left - objective Phase I line of Track 635117 NE to 688117. Phase II B Coy right A Coy left - objective Track 689112 to Xroads 693113. Objectives gained without opposition by 1000 hrs. At 1500 hrs Bn returned to command 46 Bde. Bn visited by Brigadier R.M. Villiers DSO.
2   Lieut-Col H.C. Baker-Baker DSO MBE joined BN and assumed command as from 27 October 1944.
HUTTEN 3   BN in defensive position. C Coy temporarily disbanded. App A
6911 4   Div Commander visited BN in defensive position. Extensive local patrolling by COYS at night.
5   BN move to new defensive position 6941. Patrolling by Coys at night. Sheet 27 N.W/W
HEITRAK 6941 6-9   BN in defensive position. On 9th 8 OR reinforcements received & 1 officer, Maj C.G. Myburgh.
10   Div Commander visited BN in defensive position. Patrolling by night.
11   Maj C.G. Myburgh posted to KOSB BN.
12   BN move to rest area 6517. Def Postns taken over by 9th Cameronians. (Sheet 4 1/100,000)
13-14   BN in rest area - Princess Irene Barracks, Vreikwijk 6517 - Brigadier visited BN.
HUTTEN 15   BN took over defense positions - HUTTEN - from 7 Seaforths.
HUTTEN 16-18   BN in defensive position with standing patrol by day & night at 708122. This was by a canal bank the other side of which - some 45x - was enemy positions. We were at the edge of a wood.
VREIKWIJK 18-19   BN move to rest area - 6517 Princess Irene Barracks.
20   BN left camp 0800 hrs to FAA 6812.
21   Bn advance through 9th CAMS bridgehead over Canal. A Coy leading. A Coy reached 796125 with little opposition. D Coy detached to area North of Tek Junction 761124 for protection of FAA of 11th Armd Div infantry Bde which arrived later. Bn HQ established in Woods 794125. Hy shelling. Maj J Rollin & Maj E Mc Elliott casualties. Lieut Col H.C. Baker-Baker sustained slight wound, remained on duty. (Sheet 27 NW/E)
KRONENBURG 22   BN moved to KRONENBURG 7914. App A
23-24   Bn in KRONENBURG as a harbour area - the front having moved forward rapidly.
HORST 25   BN moved to HORST 8318 at 1300 hrs. Bde O Gp 1800 hrs. Bn O Gp 2000 hrs.
WOODS 8316 26   BN move to area 851180 at 0800 hrs for Wood Clearing operation. A & D Coys cleared from 8316 to 8417. No opposition but S & Tellermines found scattered. B Coy detached to area GRUBBENVORST.
MELDERSLO 27   BN in wood clearing operation. A Coy 8720 - 8821, C Coy 8819 – 8920, D Coy 8719 - 8820, B Coy returned to command. Bn returned to area MELDERSLO in evening.
28   Bn in harbour at MELDERSLO.
WOODS N.W of BLERICK 8712 29   Bn moved to area of woods & took over a defensive position from 49 Div Recce. Hy shelling & mortaring. Patrols at night. App A
30   Bn in defensive positions. Patrols out at night.

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Source: The War Diaries of the 15th (Scottish) Infantry Division June 1944 - May 1945.

Disclaimer: This War Diary is based on its original, but typos might be corrected. Locations are calculated, so might not be in the correct place. For historical research, always check the originals.